From: whisper@wpi.WPI.EDU (Robert Johan Enters)
Subject: whispered tale, prologue 1/5
Date: 14 Nov 1993 20:00:56 GMT

The Shapeshifter who calls himself Nightshade, receives several nods, to spin
his tale, and there being no one shooting live ammo at him yet, he grabs a
small shiny disk, and slots into a nearby term.

	"Okay, here we go. But remember, the guy I got this story from is not
very experienced at writing yet, so there will probably be several things wrong
with it, call it a beta version." Nightshade sez smiling. "Anyone who can give
me some constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. Also those pure
CP'ers out there, beware that this is more SF than CP, and this is as yet the
prologue. Well, see fer yerself."

	Nightshade punches some keys, and the term starts humming to life, as
it begins to receive its stream of ASCII....

    (3569AD:2:6STD, Somewhere in Space)

     There was a bright flash as the imperial battle-cruiser
exploded. In that one instant about fifteen thousand people died,
most not even having been aware of the oncoming missiles that
snuffed out the candles of their lives. Only two people had
realized that the destruction of the battle cruiser had been
imminent and impossible to stop.
     Lord General Akima, often called the starhawk, and the Lady
Semele, Lord Akima's psychic advisor, were crammed in an escape
pod that was already sending high energy burst signals on the
frequency used by Lord Akima's personal allies and troops.
     "I knew the emperor wanted me dead, but I was not sure he
would go so far as to blow up one of his own flagships where he
had arranged this 'meeting' between us", Lord Akima was saying.
"The emperor is very unpredictable my Lord", said the Lady
Semele,"It is the reason he is also very hard to read for us...
it has ever been his strength in remaining on the cosmic throne."
     "Yeah... but it also means he is completely insane... the
emperor is not fit to remain on the throne for long.. Many will
be the ones that will try to grab the throne once the Warlords no
longer support him. It will be a long and trying time for the
empire. "
     "Yes, I foresee many years of civil strife and betrayal.
Many Star-Systems will not survive the ordeal.. Trade will be
disrupted, piracy will flourish... It will be a time of trying
indeed... but also of great opportunity milord.. "
     "That is probably in every persons mind right now who has
any kind of power or guts..."
     The two philosophized about and discussed the  miriad
possibilities and decisions to be made for five hours until a
Destroyer of the royal bloodguard of Lord Akima warped in to pick
them up.

    (3569AD:2:6STD, On the bridge of the Destroyer Excalibur)

     "Please accept my apologies for not picking you up earlier
milord, but we had to evade and distract several Battle-Cruisers
still loyal to the Emperor."
     "Of course... I understand commander Nariz, could you give
me an update on recent events?"
     "Yes...,well,..The Emperor has outlawed all warlords that
did not present themselves in the last five days. Like you, not
many had thought that He would take such drastic measures to take
out his most dangerous adversaries, but most were still too
suspicious to go. Besides Lords Darkstorm, Talos and Lycurgos and
the Lady Cythera, of whose arrival at imperial bases you already
knew, only Lord Zhi-Feng made that mistake.
     From the communications activity going on and what we picked
up, we figure that Cythera and Lycurgos escaped similar to you.
Talos and Darkstorm are now loyal to the Emperor, and Zhi-Feng
did not escape alive...."
     "Poor man", said Semele.
     "Lords Pylades,El Farason,Al Jahez and Shuyun and the Ladies
Amalthea and Nishima have asked us to be present at the neutral
base of Fharass VI in the Simois system as soon as possible,
Cythera and Lycurgos will be there too."
     "Yes, I will attend, please take us there commander."
     "Thy will be done"
     "Oh, and rally our forces in our home system. They will not
let any Foreign vessel inside the Ring. The people are to be
advised of the oncoming troubles. Also tell Herr Thorass to buy
gold and supplies, get rid of all non-tangible assets, for soon
they will be worthless."
     "Yes milord."

  (3569AD:5:6STD, The Dark Citydell, neutral base on Fharass VI)

     A huge man strode forward, accompanied by about three
hundred guards, who immediately formed an honor guard from the
entrance of the base to the Excalibur.
     "I am soo glad you escaped that trap my friend. My Lady.
Welcome to the new Head-Quarters of the united council of
Warlords." The man flashed a beaming grin at Lord Akima and Lady
     "Yes I too am glad I escaped that trap. I take it Lycurgos
and Cythera made it?" Lord Akima said.
     "Sure sure, you are the last to make it to the meeting... as
always" The huge man laughed aloud now.
     "yes, well let me see the rest then before I want to refresh
myself, it has been a tiring time for me. Let us go eh, Pylades?"

     As they passed the guards they saluted to the lords and
lady. Akima noticed that the guards were wearing the colors of
Pylades, but also had new shoulder patches he had never seen
     When he mentioned that, Pylades explained that that was the
symbol for the united council. The Warlords had always been a
group of friends except for the occasional (bloody) disagreement.
Now those that were left and not trapped by the Emperor had
joined forces. They would have to work together to keep their
power intact. By now King Pactolus and his allies were preparing
to take on the Empire, as were the independent Dukes like
Sarpedon, Ju-Hai, Astyanax and Falzar. Also some of the more
powerful religious leaders such as the prelate of Alicanthe, the
bishop of Cron-Shander and Thoumas, the self proclaimed god-
become-mortal would be gathering their followers.
     A lot of allying and rallying would be going on the next few
days. Then the Aggression would start. Many systems would
organize their independent armies and all hell would break loose
as everybody would be tearing at eachothers throats, trying
franctically at the same time not to get their own throats ripped
     Only god could save the empire, and god being unwilling to
do so, having caused the predicament the Empire was now in, the
empire would go under taking as many with it as possible in its
mealstrom as it sinks into the depths of destruction and

     Meanwhile the council was preparing its own double dealings
and betrayels and setting up its own defense. Almost all non
imperial forces had asked the warlords to side with them. The
warlords made pacts with all of them....
     So far Lords and Ladies Cythera, Nishima, Lycurgos, Akima,
Al Jahez and Shuyun had formed a so called Hexamon, their
homeworlds and controlled areas were clustered, centered on the
Lady Nishima's. The outer borders of the Hexamon were heavily
patrolled by Hexamon battle-cruisers and long-range avenger-
fighters. Meanwhile a huge battle-fortress was being built at
L'Haera III, Nishima's homeworld. The battle-fortress would be
capable of traveling at own power and would be able to hold up to
seven class A Battle-Divisions of fighter craft and support
twelve cruiser squadrons. It would be quite impossible to get
near this station, unless you brought an army with you. It would
serve as Hexamon headquarters.
     The other warlords were industriously increasing the
defenses of their own homeworlds and systems.
     Meanwhile the Empire was rallying all the generals and
admirals that remained loyal to the Emperor. To everybodies
surprise, even the Emperors own, the number of loyals was still
very high. It would be a tough fight to crack the Empire. Its
deaththroughs would probably cripple or destroy several
contenders for the throne already.
     The Emperors military leadership had agreed with the
warlords not to attack eachother. The warlords had even proposed
to share intelligence reports on the progressing battle-plans of
the other powers. The warlords were not against the empire,
merely against the emperor, and would fight to preserve that from
the empire that they could save.
     After three years of deceptive peace and sanity, the first
strikes began. Myochin had not yet committed himself to any side
except declaring himself an enemy of the empire, and therefore an
enemy of the emperor and the warlords.
'This town is just a fake. A place where you can't tell the Devil from your
brother. Poisoned every breath you take. It's just like one nightmare after
the other.' 			Mike Oldfield  'Earth Moving'
-=+the whisper of the net+=-              ||

From: whisper@wpi.WPI.EDU (Robert Johan Enters)
Subject: whispered tale, prologue 2/5
Date: 14 Nov 1993 20:03:20 GMT

Nightshade presses some more keys and more ASCII begins to pour from the disk
onto the screen....

(3572AD:5:9STD, Border station alfa-tauros in the Meriana-system)

     "Commander! Long range scanners detect fifteen advancing
vessels. They are crossing the border-space from Sarpedon-space!"
     "Alert all empire vessels in vicinity. Man battle-stations,
launch avenger-fighters and target nuclear impact-missiles. Try
to raise the Graf Spee."
     "Commander, there are seven friendly class-B destroyers
within jump-distance and the Graf Spee is launching its long-
range tactical fighter-bombers and all available fighter-craft."
     ".....this is Graf Spee command......please advise on
strength and position of advancing enemy craft Alfa-Taurus......
     "Graf Spee, this is Alfa-Taurus tactical, there are fifteen
repeat fifteen battle-cruiser class Sarpedon demons, data is now
being transmitted... psychics are processing..... heavy shielding
is encountered... information is coming through.... enemy is
launching fighter-craft.... vectoring angels.... launching long-
range nuclears..... "
     Information kept pouring into the battle-station that had
now become the headquarters and tactical-command-coordination-
center of the imperials. The destroyers were trying to intercept
incoming fighter-craft, while all fighters and bombers were
rushing for the Sarpedon battle-cruisers trying to destroy them
before they could launch their missiles at the stationary, and
therefore vulnerable, battle-station.
     ".....three demons destroyed by missiles...... five more by
bombers..... half of bombers destroyed...... enemy fighters kept
busy by destroyers.... three destroyers damaged.... fighter force
decimated..... launching medium-range missiles..... fighters
disengage..... prepare for impact of missiles... two demons down
.... one more by bomber force.... bomber force destroyed...."
     Then suddenly the enemy remaining ships retreated. The
empire had won its first battle of the war. But at what cost. The
Graf Spee was now on its way toward the inner-systems, the
carrier being useless with eighty percent of its craft destroyed.
Of the seven destroyers only one was still functioning and four
were just hunks of distorted metal and circuitry and dead bodies.
Only the battle station was still intact, but even they had lost
sixty percent of their fighter-craft. It was a victory that the
empire could not allow itself. And the enemy would be back, of
that they could be sure. The battle itself lasted only forty
minutes. Destruction was swift and complete.

     The coming days were filled with battles like this, but not
everywhere did the empire win. And almost no frontier-station
survived a follow up attack. After twelve days of intensive
fighting, the first line of defense of the empire had dissolved.
Imperial Commanders were rallying all surviving ships behind the
second rim of defense,and the citizens of the now exposed planets
were advised to evacuate the prospective battle-zone. Some did,
enlisting in the Imperial Navy, more fled to the warlords
terrains, which as yet had remained untouched, but most just
armed themselves and declared independance....
     The home worlds of the invaders were not left alone either.
The Empire had long had special forces trained to operate and
devastate behind enemy lines. These fleets were wreaking havoc on
supply convoys, slowing down the momentum of the assault on the
empire. But to no avail. Though the destruction they caused was
substantial, and in some cases critically delayed an assault, the
invasion of the empire was so thorough and vast, that there were
simply not enough of these so called Nemesis Fleets.
     Thus it happened, that the Empire's forces were slowly
forced to withdraw further and further towards the centre of the
Empire. During the onslaught Thoumas rallied many of the dukes
behind his banner, while King Pactolus gained the alliance of
Myochin and the arch-prelate of Alicanthe. These were now the
main contenders for the galactic throne, while the other
independent lords and ladies just tried to augment their domains
with a couple planets, and further resorted to a sort of piracy
on any ship their forces encountered not on their side.
     After three months of exhaustive fighting, during which the
warlords forces had as yet not really been touched, the warlords
decided to launch a counter offensive....
     A flood of shining, top of the line, unscathed space-ships
smashed any and all ships resisting them, the only survivers were
those who ran or those who turned.
     In Hexamon headquarters the warlords and ladies alternated
their posts in the central command center, a huge room filled
with terminals and the brightest officers in the combined hexamon
forces, where all the information garnered by any hexamon ship or
spy was gathered together. There were at all times two Lords or
Ladies present.

    (3573AD:7:5STD, Space Fortress Arach-Tinilith)

     In the command centre of the Hexamon Central Command all six
Lords and Ladies were present, two still in night-dress.
Something had gone terribly wrong....
     "Lords, Ladies, the situation is thus.. Imperial high-
command has decided that it would be in their favor to cease
hostilities temporarily with the invaders, and concentrate with
those same invaders to destroy us. All players in the fight for
the empire have turned a single face towards us, and the face is
one of anger. The invaders figure that we are too strong to be
left alive, and the empire can use a respite to regroup their
splintered and nearly destroyed forces."
     "But this is ridiculous!" shouted Shuyun.
     "Disaster! But why?" said Amalthea.
     "As far as we can discern there was no immediate reason for
the empire to make this decision now. Since our offensive started
four weeks ago, we already have taken a lot of pressure from the
empire's forces, this betrayal must have more motives", continued
Lord Lycurgus who had been in command of the hexamon when this
disturbing news reached them.
     "Myochin! He must be behind this. His hatred for us as a
rival in the control of psychics. Ask Semele to come, Lord Akima,
perhaps she can shed more light upon this subject." said Cythera.
     "Please consider this first," said Lycurgus, "whatever be
the reason behind it, we now face every soldier that does not
wear hexamon-colors, or of the other three warlords. This means
that we face impossible odds. When the enemy was fighting amongst
eachother, in tens of different factions, we could easily destroy
them, but now no more.... Lords and Ladies, the Hexamon faces its
destruction.... we cannot hope for survival against this
onslaught. In the face of the next oncoming years, the civil wars
will destroy civilization as we know it. You all know what the
brotherhood of warlords and ladies really stands for. I hope I
not need remind you.... I propose that we activate plan alpha-2."
     A prolonged silence fell. One by one the warlords and ladies
agreed in whispered voices.
     "I propose to designate Akima and Cythera as the ones to go.
We will warn the other warlords of our plans, and we will defend
our positions till the end. Let not one of our followers fall
into enemy hands alive. If the empire refuses to stand with us,
then let it fall, blown apart by the explosions of our
destruction.... Already the homeworlds of the deceased warlord
Zhi-Feng have declared they will stand or fall with us. If all
agree, then let us get to it. We have only few months to prepare.
The enemy first wants to destroy Pylades, El Farason and Al Jahez
before attacking the united hexamon forces. Our time will be
bought at a high price. High indeed."
     "So be it....." whispered Akima and Cythera.

     Through the next five weeks the Hexamon was left completely
alone, but the other three warlords were attacked with a vicious
determination. Al Jahez was the first victim. He defended his
territories well, and, commanding deep respect from his citizens,
he handed out all reserve weapons to the general population. From
hand-weapons to heavy artillery and anti air and anti space heavy
defense weapons, with advisors to instruct into the use of these
weapons. After repeated landings on planets to subdue them, and
repeated slaughters of the landed ground forces and heavy losses
among the invasion/debarcation fleets, the empire and its allies
had no choice left but to level the surfaces of the enemy planets
with nukes and chemicals, lest they left enemy high-tech planets
at their backs, while engaging warlord forces.

'This town is just a fake. A place where you can't tell the Devil from your
brother. Poisoned every breath you take. It's just like one nightmare after
the other.' 			Mike Oldfield  'Earth Moving'
-=+the whisper of the net+=-              ||

From: whisper@wpi.WPI.EDU (Robert Johan Enters)
Subject: whispered tale, prologue 3/5
Date: 14 Nov 1993 20:04:30 GMT

And some more stuff...

       (3573AD:19:6, Moon San-Sarath, CHQ of Lord Al Jahez)

     "My Lord,the enemy is approaching our last defense
perimiter... soon we will fall with our central fleet... we are
sorry..... our defense failed."
     "Thank you commander Aeroon, but it is not your fault. No
one could ever have hoped to withstand the might we have been
holding at bay for so long. To the contrary, you have done an
excellent job. I wish your talent could be saved. Oh well.... let
us see to our defense, and take as many of these swine with us as
     "Yes milord."

    (3573AD:19:6STD, Hexamon command center, space fortress

     "Lady Nishima, we lost contact with San-Sarath. The last
message was static and the sound of explosions. I fear the Lord
Al-Jahez is dead."
     "Call the others. Call for copper-two-alert."
     "Yes, milady."
     Within minutes the rest of the warlords and ladies arrived
and shared the sad news.
     "The destruction he caused in his defeat was immense, though
the Lords El-Farason and Pylades will fall too in a mater of
weeks, the empire and its allies will take many weeks to repair
all the damage done, before they can hope to attack us
successfully. Unfortunately, the barricade around us is too
tight. We cannot hope to break through and wreak havok amongst
our enemies. We will have to sit tight and wait."

    (3573AD:20:6STD, Planet Accares II, CHQ of Lord El Farason)

     "Milord, Al Jahez is no more. We must prepare for a critical
upscale in enemy activity, and the imminent fall of our outer
perimiter. Soon imperial and allied troops will land on our
planet. Shall I alert our ground forces?"
     "Yes tell Herr General Akesh to fall back to favorable
positions whenever possible. He is not to stop the enemy, just to
kill as many as possible of them. Wish him my best regards and
the best of luck."
     Lord El Farason walked back and forth. The defense of this
huge planet was not an easy task, but on the other hand,
subdueing it would prove even harder. Lord El Farason had trained
many of his troops in guerrilla tactics. Even when official
resistance had ended and he were killed, the enemy would still be
harassed for many months, if not years, by the remnants of his

       (3573AD:3:7STDHexamon command center, space fortress

     "......the enemy has taken most major cities by storm .....
our CHQ is now under assault ....... we can make out the marks of
at least fifteen elite Imperial divisions converging on our
positions ...... and about fourty seven allied divisions... we
are preparing nuclear strikes ....... enemy is retaliating .....
(static) ...... my god! half of the base is gone ..... enemy
troops penetrating base ...... heavy fighting in the hallways
.... the entrance to CHQ is compromised ..... El Farason out
..... Good luck Hexamon .... (static) ....."
     "El Farason is dead."
     "Akima, this is terrible, this waiting and waiting!"
     "Nishima my dear, soon enough will it be our forces
retreating in defeat and dejection, knowing that there is only
death for them in store for the future. For the civilians it will
be even worse. They won't even know what is coming until their
world will suddenly be filled with fire, radiation, death and

       (3573AD:24:7STD, Cadelon I, Imperial main planet, Crystal
             Palace, Imperial central headquarters)

     "How are the repairs coming along General Hesiona? Will our
troops be able to withstand another onslaught within a few weeks?
How is the morale amongst our troops?"
     "All is going as planned your Majesty. The Nemesis fleets
have been restocked and placed in favorable and secret places all
over the allied territories in this confusion. Loss rates are
acceptable to good. For every imperial trooper killed at least
four allied troops died. But at the strained recources we already
were, I cannot say whether that will do us any good."
     "Hmm... not a very positive position. Allright. When the
final assault on the hexamon commences, find some excuse for the
Imperial fleet not to attack at once, and the moment allied
forces are fully committed to the fight, we will pull out our
fleets and start firing at the allied and hexamon units alike.
Then all fleets are to flee towards the safe zones of Imperial
control. That should give us some additional time..."
     "As you wish your Majesty"

       (3573AD:14:10STD, Hexamon command, space fortress Arach-

     There was heavy activity in the central command room of
hexamon CHQ. Just two months ago Lord Pylades's star-systems had
fallen, and he with them. None of the warlords or their troops
had surrendered. In these battles of mutual destruction the
allied and imperial forces had been hurt badly. Very badly.
In the last battle Duke Falzar had been killed. It had been
unclear though whether this had been due to the desperate counter
assault by Pylades and the last remnants of his fleet, or by a
Sarpedon Dreadnought-class Carrier, the Stormbringer, Flagsip of
Sarpedon with the duke himself present at the time of the attack.
     The final defense of the hexamon was being prepared. And the
time for commander Akima and Cythera to leave was near. Lead
elements of the enemy had been reported to be gathering at nearby
star-systems. A small elite fleet was assembled and the best men
and women available to the hexamon were gathered to man the
fleet. At the last moment it was decided that the Lady Nishima
should also go with them. She was the most intelligent of all the
warlords. The fleet was called the Exodus-fleet, and the lady
Cythera would be first lady of the fleet, Akima tactical
commander and Nishima second lady of the fleet. As soon as the
data banks of the fleet had been stored with every shred of
knowledge in possession of the hexamon and allies, and all crew
was accounted for, the fleet left. They would remain in contact
with the hexamon all through its last moments. Many wished they
could be there to die with their comrades and take some enemies
with them.

    (3573AD:17:10STD, Azazel, flagship of the exodus-fleet)

     "Well my friends, this is it. May the gods be with us.
Signal the fleet, engage orion-drives. Course as stored in the
board. Let us flee this place of death and hope to find the place
of life."
     The Hexamon command center fell away from them and became
smaller and smaller until it was only a bright star among many
others in the myriad universes.

 (3573AD:23:10STD, Sisyphus, Imperial Dreadnought Battle Station)

     "Greetings Lords and Ladies, I am General Hesione, Commander
in Chief of the Imperial forces. I will be the Imperial liaison
to the Allied Command regarding the final destruction of the
infamous Hexamon forces. I suggest we vote on a chain of command,
or does everyone want to command his own armies without
cooperation amongst us?"
     "I, suggest we meet in council, but that we appoint a
director, who will be the effective leader of the attack."
     "And who, my dear Pactolus, will be that director?"
     "I suggest Duke Sarpedon be the director, since he is the
most brilliant general amongst us, Ju-Hai."
     After many concessions and debates, Sarpedon was appointed
Director. The Council met, and decided. All Lords would retain
sovereign command of their forces, but would act according to the
suggestions put forth by the Director, as long as their forces
were not put in greater risk than those of others. Thus the
grudging alliance assembled its forces on the fringes of the
Hexamon territories, and started its final assault on the
Warlords of the Hexamon.

'This town is just a fake. A place where you can't tell the Devil from your
brother. Poisoned every breath you take. It's just like one nightmare after
the other.' 			Mike Oldfield  'Earth Moving'
-=+the whisper of the net+=-              ||

From: whisper@wpi.WPI.EDU (Robert Johan Enters)
Subject: whispered tale, prologue 4/5
Date: 14 Nov 1993 20:05:37 GMT

And still more...

 (3573AD:2:11STD, Hexamon Command, Space fortress Arach-Tinilith)

     "Lord Shuyun, alliance ships have crossed the border-space
and are approaching Silemus, Megaera, Alastis and Aulis."
     "Commander, have those planets been evacuated?"
     "Yes milord. There are only defense forces stationed on and
around those planets."
     "... Space station Aurora is engaging the enemy.... The
second and third Megaera home-defense battle fleets are en route
to the scene ..... "
     "So it is beginning ..... "
     "Should I call for the other Lord and Lady?"
     "Yes, yes, please do so. Activate defense protocol red. From
now on, there will be no rest until either we or they are dead."
     Minutes later Lycurgus and Amalthea arrive in the tactical
control center of the Arach-Tinilith. Both dressed in their
formal battle uniforms.
     "Alea iacta estne?"
     "Ensis exceptum est..."
     "Well, I was tired of waiting anyways. Lets make them pay
for this aggression towards us. Have all fleets been alerted? All
ground troops?"
     "Yes, yes, all that has been taken care of. But the enemy is
serious. They have brought each and every scrap of flying metal
they could find, equipped them with all the weaponry they could
lay their hands on, and stuffed them with every able person they
could find. We are outnumbered twelve to one."
     "Here, listen to this", said Shuyun as he picked up a
     " .... This is Megaera central command ..... All orbital
defense stations have been taken out .... the sky is filled with
bright dots and flashes .... unable to raise orbital defense
fleets .... last message that got through suggested we should
gear for nuclear-chemical bombardments ..... so far no probs on
the surface .... can't say the same for our fleet ...."
     "As you can hear things aren't too good. Projections suggest
that we will loose the outer planets in twenty-four hours."
     "Well people, lets contradict the suggestions. Alert the
Second wave, and prepare for an aggressive counter strike. We
stocked up on spacial nukes for centuries now, seeing as our
outer fleets have been wiped out anyways, lets rip through them
with some wanton destruction. Since we arent going to be around
to suffer from all the radiation, I don't see that it matters
much, and anything to stall the enemy. Let them come at us
through a cloud of radioactivity!"
     "Let's do it folks. Alert the second wave, tell them to
rearm with spacial nukes. Commander Ogrijek, lets plan for the
attack. We don't have much time."
     "Yes milord."
     "Amalthea? Shuyun? you coming?"
     "I will stay behind to monitor the retreat of our surviving
fleets, and to keep contact and inform the planetary defenses.
You go ahead Shuyun. Make it a good one."
     As the three gentlemen left the room, Amalthea began talking
to the different Commanders out in the field and the
communications officers, trying to maintain morale amongst the
remote planetary defense forces, letting them know that Hexamon
Command was staying in touch and that the Warlords had not
abandoned them. She personally tried to speak to as many people
as she could, staying in touch with many through their last
moments in service to the Hexamon. The air in the room was
charged with grief and hatred. The alliance accepted no quarter,
nor was it given any. So many comrades lost. Friends, family,
lovers. The death toll was in the millions already, those first
twelve hours of the invasion.
     Fighting still continued even on the farthest planets.
Pockets of resistance fought until out of ammo, and then self-
destructed so as to take as many enemies with them as possible.
Ships fought until all their weapons bays were emptied and their
batteries overheated, and then rammed into enemy ships. Then the
counter attack set in. After a week of intensive fighting, the
outer ring was lost. Half of the Hexamon forces had been lost, a
third of the Allied forces had been destroyed. Kordoch, the
Bishop of Cron-Shander had been caught in the initial onslaught,
all his forces died in their reckless strike of revenge. During
the intense fighting to halt the Hexamon's counter attack,
Thoumas and most of his fleet was wiped out, after the Duchess
Astyanax fled the field instead of support her ally. The Allied
Council counted seven now. There were three major contenders for
the galactic throne less already, the Emperor was quite pleased.

    (3573AD:10:11STD, Cadelon I, Imperial main planet, Crystal
         Palace, Imperial central command headquarters)

     "I heard the battle is going well, Commander Ting Li?"
     "Yes milord, we send in the two loyal warlords. They will
crack through the second ring of Hexamon defenses. Then we pull
the stunt. All Nemesis fleets have been alerted that they should
expect to receive orders to attack the other allied supply lines
soon. If all goes well, we should be able to completely destroy
the other allied armies in the field. And then. Boom. They have
nearly no reserves, while we will still have the remnants of the
invasion fleet, and ofcourse the formidable Imperial Guard fleet
and the Crystal Palace Defense units."
     "Good, make it so. I really hope this will work. We lost
enough as it is. All the planets that declared independance will
have to be resubjugated, and all the once prosperous Warlord-
Dominions have all been reduced to radioactive dust."
     "Yes your majesty, it will take centuries to rebuild all
that has been lost by this betrayel by the Warlords and these
powerhungry Dukes and Kinglets all."
     "Allright. Call the Commanders. We will have warcouncil
soon. All these matters will have to be discussed in detail. I
want all the experts to be there. Also we must ensure supplies.
The main mission of the retreating invasion fleet will be to
capture supplies. All the resupply ships of the allied invasion
fleets should be easy pickings."
     "Yes your majesty."

   (3573AD:4:11STD, Hexamon Central Command, Space Fortress

     "All stations red alert!"
     "The enemy has broken through the second ring! We are in
retreat! The Imperial warlords blasted their way through around
Cythera's Homeworld. Orbital Space Fortresses and their
complements are engaging the allied units, but the second ring is
     "Commander Ogrijek, activate the Hexamon Defense protocols.
     "Yes Lady Amalthea. I will also alert the rest of the
general staff."
     "Shuyun, this is it. All our planets have been taken or
bombed to dust, our last perimeter fleet has been beaten and is
in retreat towards the Arach-Tinilith as we speak. The final
Defense of the Hexamon is about to be assaulted. The enemy fleet
will warp in in about a week's time."
     Lycurgus comes walking in hurriedly, followed by about three
dozen Commanders and Generals.
     "I heard the news. Bad news travels fast. The Defense
Protocols have been activated I hope?"
     "Yes Lycurgus, we now have to prepare the incoming survivors
to do battle again. We will put them in the reserves to give them
some rest and time for repairs. Open the commlinks with the
     "Yes. Transmit all that has happened and all events as they
occur. Our progeny should know how we bought their lives payd in
full in the blood of millions."
     "... This is Akima .... What is the situation? ... "
     "We will give you access to all that happens to our ships
and fortresses. Record it and keep the legacy for the generations
to come."
     "... Yes ... So we will do ... good luck my friends .... You
will all live on in our history forever .... Nishima and Cythera
wish you all the best of luck too..... so does the entire Exodus-
Fleet as a matter of fact.... "
     "Well people, lets see to our defense."

    (3573AD:4:11STD, Sisyphus, Imperial Dreadnought Battle

     "This is it gentlemen. The final assault is on. I suggest
that all return to their command ships and prepare the fleet. We
have a couple warlords to crush."
     All the dukes and other powerful figures file out of the
room, and General Hesione leaves for the Battle-Bridge.

     (3573AD:4:11STD, Battle-Bridge, Sisyphus, Imperial
                Dreadnought Battle Station)

     "Okay people, you know your jobs. When the heat is on good,
we pull out. Let them slaughter eachother until the allianc
figures out we stiffed them. Then we fire full force on our ex-
allies and make tracks outta here. We seize the allied resupply
fleet with our EVA-Marines and warp up up and away to the
Imperial homeworlds. Thats it. Be careful. Evade if possible,
shoot to kill otherwise. Try to avoid protracted crippling
fights. We want to have as much of the remaining fleet intact as
possible. It should work. It has to work."
     Then a comm-screen flared on, and the face of the Emperor
     "Know that I am depending on you guys. If all goes well, we
will be the only people with a mentionable fighting force left in
this galaxy. I wish you all the best of luck, and I hope to see
you all here in a few days time."
     The screen died.
     "Okay. Everybody return to their ships and battle stations,
prepare to move out."

'This town is just a fake. A place where you can't tell the Devil from your
brother. Poisoned every breath you take. It's just like one nightmare after
the other.' 			Mike Oldfield  'Earth Moving'
-=+the whisper of the net+=-              ||

From: whisper@wpi.WPI.EDU (Robert Johan Enters)
Subject: whispered tale, prologue 5/5
Date: 14 Nov 1993 20:06:49 GMT

That's all for now folks....

     (3573AD:4:11STD, Hexamon Command Centre, Arach-Tinilith)

     "First ships warping in. All allied forces are represented.
First code alert! Heads up people!"
     In the control room everyone tensed as blinking dots
denoting enemy starships appeared on the tactical displays.
Everywhere people began talking to their headsets, giving orders
to Battle-stations, launch-platforms, Battle-stars, carriers,
destroyer squadrons, Battle Cruisers and Dreadnoughts. The three
Lords and Lady took their seats and started to confer with the
Admirals of the different fleets. Soon blazing beams reached for
the enemy fleet from launch-platforms, turning dots from a bright
blinking red to a dull gray. That was all the indication on the
tactical screens that just another couple thousand people ended
their lives in pain and agony. For starships usually didn't
explode all at once. The outer hull would rip and internal
explosions would start as cooling systems got disrupted
throughout the ship. Everyone would be warned of onrushing
disaster as the light would turn red and blaring alarms started
everywhere. First to go would be the weapons systems and the
drives. Then those not killed by the explosion themselves or by
decompression of their compartments would slowly die as the life-
support systems failed, and no new air or warmth would be
     The ships started their dance of death. All fleets and
squadrons within the fleets were maneuvering to gain favorable
positions and then the fight would begin in earnest. These were
all veteran fleets, and all the commanders knew what they were
doing. The Hexamon had the advantage in quality of ships and the
better rested and trained people. The Hexamon also benefitted
greatly from the unified command centre on Arach-Tinilith, where
each and every ship could be advised by someone detached from the
battle, and able to raise other ships for assistance or warn them
of the myriad ships in the dance. On the other hand, the Alliance
had a tremendous edge in numbers. The combined allied fleet, what
was left of it, outnumbered the remains of the Hexamon by a
stunning sixteen to one. The Hexamon didn't stand a chance.
     Battle was joined and slowly the Hexamon forces were
depleted. Reserves were called in, and the weapons of the Arach-
Tinilith started to wreak havoc among the allied fleet. Then the
Arach-Tinilith disgorged all its fighter planes to try to stem
the onrushing tide of death.
     Then suddenly...
     "Sir!, Sir!, Lord Shuyun!, Commander General Hesione of the
Impirials wishes to speak to you!"
     "Tell him we will not surrender. We would rather die and rot
in hell than give in to an empire pig!"
     "Sir, he is offering an alliance! He is retreating his
fleet! Fully a fourth of the enemy is retreating and will fire
upon the alliance forces if we will stop attacking imperial
     "Sir! Tactical shows that indeed, all imperial ships are
retreating and firing on fellow alliance ships!"
     "It matters little. Our numbers are too diminished. We will
fall to the alliance anyways."
     And so it went. The empire ships retreated, losing fully
half of its numbers to enraged allied ships that rather shot at
the betrayers than the Hexamon, but as soon as the Imperial fleet
escaped, the alliance rebnewed its assault in full force.
     "Sir, all our ships have been destroyed. The enemy is
landing EVA-Marines in our docking bays. So far we are holding
out, but more and more troop ships are being brought to the fore
as all our outer weapons are destroyed. When all those troops
start to land, we dont stand a chance."
     "Understood. Secure the CHQ-perimeter and get someone to
stand-by to receive the self-destruct codes. When CHQ falls, so
will all our invaders and all nearby ships."
     "Raise the Azazel"
     "This is Arach-Tinilith for the Azazel, Nishima? Akima?
Cythera? Anyone?"
     "... This is Nishima ..... we followed the battle .... I
hope those two-faced Imperials all burn in hell .... We will all
be with you in this .... we have been with you all through these
bitter moments ...... "

     (3573AD:4:11STD, Azazel, Flagship of the Exodus-Fleet)

     " .... Thanks Nishima ..... all lower decks have been taken
by the enemy ...... we are currently holding them off at the
thirty second level ...... <muffled explosions sound in the
background> .... guess again .... they are unstoppable it seems
... we will destroy this fortress lest they get a hold of it
..... goodbye Nishima "
     The voice of Shuyun disappeared and was replaced by the
sound of shots and explosions, followed by screams and shouts.
Then they heard Shuyuns voice rattle off a string of commands and
numbers. Then communications went dead.
     ".... oh my god! .... they are all dead...."
     Nishima clung to Akima as they both started to cry softly
while Cythera stood pale faced in the corner of the room, shaking
and trembling all over.
     "All our friends....everyone we knew is dead now... all
gone... our homeworlds radioactive balls of dirt ..... our
families and houses blasted to pieces. Our past is torn to
shreds. Our peoples decimated and scattered. We are banned from
our own Galaxy ..... we have to rebuild everything anew."
     "Tomorrow we meet in the Shrine to communicate with our
Master.... I hope He has an explenation for this abomination and
a clue as to what our next move in the Game will be..."
'This town is just a fake. A place where you can't tell the Devil from your
brother. Poisoned every breath you take. It's just like one nightmare after
the other.' 			Mike Oldfield  'Earth Moving'
-=+the whisper of the net+=-              ||

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