From: (Rhys EleScryer)
Subject: Following the WebTrance: Entrance
Date: Wed Mar 01 19:52:35 MET 1995

Following the WebTrance: Entrance [I?]

Author: Rhys Elescryer <>
Date: 2-14-95
Excepts assimilated from: (With author's consent:)
To The Subjective Unconscious! (AKA GLOBAL WEBTRANCE From the Disc of
Schwann) which is available online:
Which is also from "The Return of the White Lady" by Schwann.

{{ Following the WebTrance: Entrance }}
By Rhys EleScryer

The time: the near future
The place: your hometown

{ Warning! Dismantle Counter Beliefs.                           }
{ Warning!  Serious Reality Starvation in progress.     }
{ Enter it as a new sensation into your consciousness. }
{ In the beginning, only the infinite existed.                 }

Strange that I would choose that as my startup message. A sort of
implication of things to come I suppose. Or what I wanted to happen
at any rate.

I logged onto the ...........Sacred mud.
They were all there, lounging around and chatting as if everything there
were real. Life as a half-ogre. I moved slowly from place to place,
not wanting to leave these people, but know that somehow, someday I
would return. They wouldn't know the difference, but I would.

I left them all there, staring at their monitors, typing gleefully.
I logged out. I turned off the monitor.

I turned from the seat and stretched, looking out the window on the
slowing dying day. I drifted silently back into my past, quiet days
of playing internet games, checking my email, reading the News.

Meanwhile back in the present Cultural Shock, and Social disorientation
ensued. My present was a time and place of terror, I was on my way out.

I looked sadly at the monitor waiting for my login once more... I set
the computer to deny access to all others but myself, nuked their files
killed all the servers but the one I would need. I turned off the monitor
and shattered it; I wouldn't need it anymore.

I left the house cold and empty, dark and dead. I locked all the doors,
set the alarms, activated the defense systems...

I walked silently and slowly down the street for the last time,
observing the things I would never see again... through these eyes.

- The procedure would take fifteen minutes...
I felt euphoria setting in...
No, that's just the morphine....
{{ Psychedelic experiences are aborbed while we live in
cyber-shamanistic global webtrance...}}
Where did that come from?
- Oh... the Interface.

The room swirled. A sucking sound..... nothing.

I open my eyes, I think.

The room is dark and vague. Blood pounds out of my skull.

{{ Do Not leave the planet through your Monitor Screen....Yet.}}

- I don't have a monitor.

{{Oh, you are correct. Welcom to the Matrix. You have transevolved the
WebTrance. You are the webtrance now...}}

- Oh really? That sounds cool.

- Tell me about the Matrix.

{{The Matrix evolves at its own pace. While the atmospheres still OK
---- We still have some grace ......Theres no such thing as
pain......Yet. }}

- Slow the pace.


- What?

I proceed with a steady taste of fear in my mouth. Orgone
accumulators and Societies for the INTERNET.  Are they Abused? Nature,
Beautiful and dangerous. Watches and Waits. Genetic Grid Grapphd.

{{The Blue Dwarf is a holographic Memory transfer in automatic
Warpspace shockwave Neutron Surge.}}

- But it will Will break the Reality Barrier with its power curve
Mind-Amp will make unreality disapear behind the screen

{{Let it live there.}}

VR architects...are they sane? Reality Engine..
...Tekno-Convergence... ...Science of Contact.

- This, is my aim!

I stand and migrate to my terminal. I get what I want and then make the
drive burn burn burn burn...

I go off to find a new home...

{{respect, EleScryer. Welcome to the Matrix. It is part of you now. }}

I smile silently. I will never be alone again.

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