Subject: About that Ninja...
Date: 5 Oct 92 19:00:27 GMT

	                          The Rebuttal
                 Copyright 1992, John Goodrich

After the Master Electrician and the Foley Crank had disappeared, but before
Cliche Dude was able to get up from his monogrammed director's chair, a
looming shadow fell over him.  Uglyjack looked down with the smile he used to
scare away children.  "I don't like what you've done to the bar." he said quietly.
	"Well," Cliche Dude started, but he never finished.  The grim monstrosity
grabbed the hair on the back of his head, and dragged him ignominiously
towards the bar.
	Once there, he smashed the offending face against the hardwood of the bar.,
Blood flew, and there was the sickening crunch of cartilage as the director's
Roman nose gave way.  Then 'Jack moved the ruined face to a few inches from
his own.  Again, he smiled.  Cliche Dude winced, and flopped weakly in the
leather-wrapped grip.
	Jack sighed, and lowered the face once more.  " I just wanted you to see that
I am not one of your generic Ronin.  So you will under-STAND-" His voice grew
louder as he smashed the helpless face against the bar again, "that I don't en-
JOY-" again, the face rebounded, "being made FUN of."  With the last emphasis,
the face again crashed down onto the wooden bar, and there was the crack of
several bones giving away.  Uglyjack let go, and let the ruined Avatar of the
Mediocre Game slump to the floor.
	  The bar was covered with spattered blood and a few clots of tissue.  'Jack
looked up at Ratz, "Gimme a rag, unless you want the stains to set."  Grimacing,
Ratz complied, and watched as the larger man wiped the counter.
	But when the work was done, Jack looked under his barstool, and noticed that
Cliche Dude had crawled away.  "Hell," he muttered, "and you know he'll go
make another suppliment."  He sighed, and ordered a wall banger, paid up, and

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