>From: aubey@GIMLI.ASD.CONTEL.COM (Ken Aubey)
Subject: Night Moves
Date: 26 Jul 91 17:50:17 GMT

--   Virtual Camera Directions
--    (for the movie in your head):
--   < > paragraphs are pull-back shots, showing the scene.
--   unmarked paragraphs are narrator's POV, voice-over soundtrack.
--     The narrator's voice is low-pitched, low in volume - almost a whisper.
--      His accent is slight but distinctive -
--      not quite British, not quite Gaelic, not quite Eastern Eurpean.

>Then Rain saw... him.  Tall, pale, his face as familiar as her own.
>She touched the small silver brooch that rode high on one shoulder as
>her lips formed the syllables of a name that had been banished from
>the land years before.  He smiled.

<The pale man's smile is ironic, amused, but lacks the sharp, killer edge
that so often marked his smiles. His hands move slowly and carefully, making
no threats. Oddly, Rain, and her unusual companion, River, seem to be the
only ones in the establishment who take any notice of the pale man in black.
It is as though he was invisible to the rest.>

<Rain sees the movements: touching the forehead, the heart, then hands spread
wide. A formal greeting and more, a solemn oath of peace. Young Rain is a
bit shocked and surprised at the honor he pays her, for this is an oath
sworn between equals in magic, and this one  was known for his power five
centuries before her birth.>

"Good evening, little cousin. I hope you are well?"

<The chilling whisper is not so cold, not so threatening tonight.>

"Yes, my lord Sio-..."

<A harsh hand gesture silences the elven woman in mid-word. Her elemental
protector strengthens his shield, but no violence flares.>

"Please, my dear, speak not that name. He who bore it is long dead. Here, I am just called 'Night'".

"Quite well, Lord Night, then. If I may be so bold as to ask, what brings YOU
here tonight?"

<The slim woman begins to marshal her powers, fearing the answer she might
hear. Night senses the buildup, but does not shield himself. He still smiles as
he speaks in the fluid cadences of the Sidhe tongue.>

"No, little one, I'm not here on behalf of your father, or of his enemies.
A mutual friend informs me that you 'sent' for him recently, and he has asked
me to bring you back to the place he is staying. A rather, shall be say, short
mutual friend . . . . "

<Shock fills the silver eyes. They gaze back into the shining chrome silver of
the pale man's eye-obscuring glasses. *he speaks truly, or he's a damned fine
liar* The shield wavers, lessens in intensity, but does not fall.>

"Come along, then, cousin. I have a car waiting."

<The pale-skinned man in black extends his elbow. Rain hesitates for a
heartbeat, places her hand through its crook, and allows herself to be led out
of the Chatsubo, past customers who seem to take no notice of the departure of
two of their number; two tall, slim forms alike enough in face and form to be
very, very close kin.>

-- Ken Aubey (aubey@gimli.asd.contel.com
-- Rain is copyright 1991- Twila Oxley Price - used with permission.

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