From : (Stephen Paskel)
Subject: SHORT STORY: The New Guy
Date: 23 Apr 94 09:39:00 GMT

Copy Right Stephen Paskel 1994 All Rights Reserved.

The music kept playing in his head and he could still see the
faded white neon lines going by in his mind. With his
auto-pilot crushed, it had been a long old fashioned manual
drive. It was not too bad, Andy thought, at least he could
interface with Sac navigation Route 66.

Andy never thought he would be running for his life, much less
driving. Why had they lied to him... why he thought? If there
was anything Andy hated it was lying and deception. These foes
dogged him since he could remember. How he thought could anyone
make plans in there lives, if everyone deceived them?

Andy drove on into Old Seattle, he cried inside. He was alone.
He wished his father was still alive.  He remembered a very old
song that went, " all your choices made you change your mind."

He would find his mother, why couldn`t they have told him he
was an android!

Hope you liked it. Any and all Replies would be appreciated.

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. SLMR 2.1a . Hey, you're invading my CyberSpace!!!

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