Subject: Lyrics
Date: 6 May 92 02:18:27 GMT

i saw that people were putting some lyrics up here of stuff they have
done. i'm in an industrial band which does some CP type stuff.
these are the lyrics to one of the first songs we wrote.
It is self-titled  "Mind Leak Fascist"

oppression corporate control mind leak fascist memories
national war civil war war no one knows shotgun kill blood
as thick as thick as a hole in the head what everyone wants wants a
condom wants to engage in natural lipids DNA hold true but no one
shits freely cameras watching watching the TV seeing violence
liking love not loving but lusting truly hating with a bed
rain falling liking thunderstorms destruction of what destruction of
the earth is that the end the end in war not in our minds but our
minds have no end ending morals morals about killing truly ending
with gangs and the president taxes no one has money money rules
money controls just like the corporates

~         |\   |\  |    /|       /|   /|       /----    Mind Leak Fascist     ~
~    |/-\ |  \ | \ |   / |  of  / |  / |      /      industriaL musiC froM    ~
~    |    |  / |  \|  /--|     /  | /  |     /---         manhattaN, kS       ~
~    |    |/   |   | /   |    /   |/   |----/ ~
~                                                                             ~

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