Subject: Lues part 1
Date: 21 Oct 1995 06:14:40 GMT

Trying again to post this. They just changed software packs on me and I 
haven't quite figured this one out, so forgive me if I bollox a couple...

                        By Rob Wojtasiewicz

        We  didn't know what we were into until things had gone too 
far to back  out. By that time the path of least resistance was to ride 
it out to the end. So we did. Or I did, anyway.
        Lues and I were brothers, kind of. Our fathers were married to 
each other. So were our mothers. THe two couples thought it was cool and 
relevant to make this deal: Four adults, four children. Two boys, two 
girls.  I never found out how many abortions they did to get the right 
mix, but we were supposed to be twins in the spirit. They worked it so 
that each boy was blood-related to both girls , and likewise for the 
girls. The way it ended up our sisters were 
were born first. They were two years older than us, and loathed us. We 
responded in kind.
        I was bigger. Lues was smarter. The other kids learned not to 
fuck with us unless they had heavy backup.  Our sisters were neither big nor 
tough. But they were both 
smart. When we were ten, and they were twelve, they made a deal with us. 
It was in the way of a truce. Lues and I were waging several small scale 
wars at the time, including a series of attacks between us and our 
sisters. The girls were winning. They had just revealed the location of 
our best safe-hole to our worst enemies. It was in retalliation for Lues 
trashing Jeannie's computer files. He didn't trash anything, as it turned 
out. Jeannie had just made backups. 
        The girls offered a truce. No more warfare. Mutual assistance. I 
didn't want to, but Lues thought it was a good idea. We sealed the 
contract by burning drops of our blood in a candle flame. That was Rene's 
idea. Rene was into witchcraft and shit like that.
        The testesterone experiment was Rene's idea. The science was 
Jeannie's. Lues thought it was a cool concept. I was the experimental 
        We were seventeen. The girls were nineteen. They were fucking 
crazy, everybody knew it. They had killed seven people with Jeannie's 
chemistry experiments. On the other hand, they had hundreds, maybe 
thousands of happy, and addicted, customers. They had been arrested once. 
Lues and I had quietly captured six undercover street agents, and 
extracted every scrap of information they possessed, before releasing 
them relatively intact. By the time anybody knew what was happening, Lues 
had swept through the police department's central computer system and copied 
every file. Again, it was Jeannie who brokered a truce. We operated in safety 
after that.  
        Lues didn't usually take Jeannie's drugs. They messed up his mind 
too much. Me, I didn't give a fuck about that. Long as I had my bro to 
think for us both, I was free to take whatever I wanted. Oh I pulled my 
weight. It was I who squeezed those narcs. Drained 'em in seventeen 
hours, and left no marks. None that showed. I knew all about how 
Jeannie's drugs worked.
        Rene wanted to do this super gonzo full moon summer solstice 
calling up of demons thing. She was head of a coven of urban witches. 
They were bored with the same old rituals, the same old demons, the same 
old orgasms. They wanted some serious cock. They wanted their souls fucked.
        Rene found a reference in an old text she'd dug up in some grave 
somewhere to this guy that was supposed to be the "devil's second chakra, 
embodied in the flesh." Roughly translated that means that ol' Lucifer 
got cut up into seven pieces at the end of the war, and his privates got 
turned into this demon who was less than the original dude, but was still 
the devil, after all. 
        So Rene wants to call this hot-and-cold peckered mondo 
motherfucker into the flesh. My flesh, to be exact. Lues isn't much into 
sex. He's got a few partners, on both sides of the swing, but what he really 
likes to do is watch me go at it. Me, I'm into anything that gets my dick 
slick, ya know? About the only people I haven't stabbed yet are Lues and 
the girls. Lues and me, never. Jeannie probably not. But I've been 
strokin' it for Rene since I was twelve, and she knows it. One 
thing I like about Rene: if she's gonna do something, she likes to do it 
all the way.  She's been saving me for something special. We both know 
this is it.

        [end of part one. This is first draft, spurr of the moment 
stuff. Stay tuned for more...]

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