From: (Bananafish? Where?)
Subject: JADED EYES (pt 1 of 3)
Date: 15 Nov 92 19:27:04 GMT

Yet more stuff - looks like my brain is starting to fire on all
four pistons again (I'm old-school, okay?).

a play in three acts
by Joshua Houk


*dramatis personae*
Angel: A young girl in her early teens, dressed casually for whatever
       time period you think this is set in. Everything about her
       implies everything innocent, wholesome, kind and good.
Ratz:  The barkeep. You know.
Patrons: Everybody in the chatsubo that you can think of. And then
	 some. Everyone's loaded up with weapons, dressed way too
	 fancifully, and makes trivial conversation - which is
	 indiscernable from the audience's perspective anyway,
	 so I guess they could be talking about something
	 improtant. Who knows?

Setting: The Chatsubo. Mid-afternoon. A very sunny day, if the
	 subo has windows. If not - the atmosphere of the bar
	 should be abnormally cheerful and clean. Smile!

[Lights go up. The chatsubo is crowded to the hilt. Everyone's
chattering away. Ratz is serving drinks non-stop. This continues
for five to ten minutes, when ANGEL enters...]

ANGEL: (entering from stage right, carrying a basket of brightly-
       colored flowers)

       Hi everybody!

       (ANGEL smiles broadly.)

[All PATRONS immediately turn towards ANGEL, then fire every weapon
at their disposal towards the young girl. The room smells of
gunpowder and ozone. The walls turn red. The smoke clears.]

RATZ: Ain't it senseless? (shrugs)

[PATRONS go back to their general chatting about. Curtain falls.]



More to come. Yay. Comments and criticism appreciated - but read into
it first, okay? Thanks....

Joshua Houk
-- * * indie-list co-moderator
Spy kitty, go back inside.
     - Bricks

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