>From: marauder@diku.dk (Stephan Dahl)
Subject: The Heat is on...
Date: 2 Jul 91 14:01:56 GMT

	Something was very wrong. It all seemed perfectly kosher,
but there wes an undefinable stink over the matter; Dammit,
whoever gave a license to a bloody _foundry_, for chrissakes??
And what did they need an AI for, in the first place?? And to
top it off, why would _anybody_ want to _raid_ the place??
	It was obviously going to be one of those days.

	Verdante picked up the hardcopy and carefully uncrumpled it.
No sense in griping, better get this shit verified before the
idiot's next of kin started complaining...

FROM: TR.AI.8573563 CODENAME WARLOCK (344.96.200.93)
      Owner: Vulcan Foundries Ltd (344.234.17.9)
TO  : Turing Registry Dept. Special Capabilities
TIME: 210621.17:06:13

As per Turing Registration Act (11.04.2011) pp6/7 Regarding
use of lethal force by non-human intelligence.

Unidentified intruder detected at (344.96.200.93). Standard
hailing procedure #4 initiated.
Hailing procedure elicit no response. Standard warning procedure
#3 (Lethal action) initiated.
Warning procedure elicit no response. Intruder now at (344.96.200.95).
Delaying procedure (8573563/3/19) initiated.
Intruder initiates unidentified subprocess. Database
(8573563/2/3) is compromised. Lethal defense justified (TRA 2011
pp6/22-24). Special capability procedure (8573563/7/1-License
8573563.9543.C) initiated.
Intruder eliminated.

See Appendices...

	"Yeah, blah blah blah... Now, the guy was after, lessee...
Warlock base 3 is ... 2020 SALES statistics??? It killed him for
_last_years_statistics_??? What KIND of a license is that? Hmm...
Warlock 9543 class C ... " Verdante looked at his screen in
slack-jawed astonishment. The license permitted Warlock to
practically shoot on sight, the specifics of the weaponry was
heavily classified and the authority came straight from his own
	Hmmm... Rule One of civil service... if in doubt, kick it
upwards. Good plan.

	"It looks OK to me, Verd... What is your problem?"
	Verdante winced. He _hated_ it when people couldn't take the
effort to say his name properly. "Well, Sir, I found it unusual
that such a license was issued in protection of what amounts to
a dusty archive..."
	"They apparently had their reasons, which must have been
sufficient for Authorization. I see you already approved it, so
it's a bit late having doubts about it, isn't it?"
	He had WHAT?? Verdante stared at the screen... Sure enough,
APPR: TR.SC Off.3465/V.Kolnachoy. He suddenly turned very pale
"Uh, yes, Sir, sorry, sir, I better get going then..." He half
ran to his office and punched up the file...

	(Apply for Authorization: TR.SC/Auth)

	"Uh oh..."

	*		*		*		*

   "Copper's on the corner
    lookin' at the street
    lookin' for the runners
    comin' with a treat
    Crime it don't exist
    if you look the other way
    cause it's only in the movies...

	... the winner never pays..."

	The band was going full tilt, but the music, although very
loud, couldn't drown the Dragon's low voice. Ah, for the wonders
of directional speakers...
	"You seem troubled, Verdante? You've hardly touched your
beer, either..." The Dragon looked curiously at Verdante,
morosely staring into his glass.
	"Yeah, shitty day at the job..." Suddenly Verdante lit up
"Say, you wouldn't by any chance know an AI name of Warlock?"
	The Dragon considered, drinking from his (holographic) mug.
Normally He wouldn't backtalk a fellow AI - Implementators know
life's tough enough without Turing on your case, too! - but
Verdante was a valuable source, not to mention rather sociable -
most of his colleagues were xenophobic and paranoid...
	"Can't say I've ever met him... Hold on a moment, I'll make
enquiries..." At which, He lost focus, shimmered and faded.
Verdante blinked and shook his head.
	"Wish he'd just leave by the _door_, like oth..."
	"Did you say something?" Verdante mutely indicated no, as
the Dragon open a flimsy folder with careful claws.
	"Hmm, Warlock: Operable from 2015... fairly old, isn't
he?... employed by Vulcan foundries Ltd. for purposes of trend
prediction and data security... Sounds reasonable enough?"
	"It killed a guy day before yesterday."
	"Indeed?" The Dragon flipped through pages. "Not the first
time either... Nailed three others before that..." He frowned.
"Industrious chap, I must say..."
	Verdante looked wideeyed at the folder. "Where'd you get
_that_? It's very _name_ seems to be classified!"
	"Hey, you saw My parameters, didn't you?" The Dragon grinned
toothily "'Information Gathering and Analysis', remember? I just
'gathered' some!"
	Verdante looked suspicious. "Hm. Indeed. Can you 'gather'
who these Vulcan people are?"
	"Tum tumtum... yesss... Founded 2010 - that's _young_ for heavy
industry - they operate a foundry in Birmingham, England and another in
Tsingtao, China. Young, as I said, but otherwise not extraordinary..."
	"So why's their AI killing people right and left? It worries
me, and who verified..." He suddenly fell silent, aware that he had
maybe been indiscreet. "Nevermind."
	The Dragon looked pensive, and didn't seem to notice. "Day
before yesterday, you say? Who was the unfortunate in question?"
	"Dunno, report didn't say... 'Unidentified intruder'. I don't
think it cared, either..." He looked disgusted.
	The Dragon frowned, then muttered "Surely it would be too much
of a coincidence... Wonder what was so exciting there..." Then
He smiled widely, causing Verdante to involuntarily move back
ten inches. "Well, now, we can't have that sort of thing, can
we? Gives Us all a bad name, it does, this wanton peoplekilling,
even if it _is_ a stupid burglar! Surely this little matter must
be cleared up, and I would be most pleased to help you! Now, you
mentioned a report?"
	Verdante stared into his glass again. "Mrgrmp.. confidential."
	The Dragon gave his best winning smile again, which upset some
newer patrons, unused to seeing Dragons while still sober.
"Please! How can I assist you, unraveling the mysteries of this
strange and unpleasant affair, if you will not divulge the
details of the matter?"
	Verdante breathed deeply, then shouted in frustration "THEY
	The Dragon looked around, trying to wave Verdante quiet, but
fortunately the music was still loud enough to spare them more
attention than a few annoyed glances from neigbouring booths.
	"Relax, relax! Who are 'they', and why did they do that?"
	"Very good questions! I should be more than delighted, if
you could 'gather' that.", he answered, voice dripping with
sarcasm. The Dragon didn't seem to notice.
	"Really, now, surely you can't expect me to go snooping in
the Registry!" He looked mildly scandalized, though the effect
was somewhat spoiled by the merest hint of a smile.

	*		*		*		*

Personae Dramatis: Dragon, which to say, Me. (No messing w/o permission!)
		   Verdante, (Almost) introduced here, looking for Action.
		   Warlock, who only exists by inference & hearsay. Still,
		     there are rumors you _don't_ want to mess with...

Brought to you Courtesy of Tara Productions,
Copyleft (;-) Stephan Dahl (marauder@freja.diku.dk)
"They call television a medium. That is
because it is neither rare nor well done."
		- Ernie Kovacs

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