From: Anonymous
Subject: Gothic : Part 1 of 2
Date: 13 Sep 1995 12:28:24 GMT


She woke up to the sound of rain. All her life she had heard that
sound, the steady beat of water falling from the sky. Every year the
water got a little higher, everyone said that sooner or later London
would sink under the rising seas. She didn't think it would be for a
long time yet but she would be there to see it, she had no doubt.

She lay still and listened to the rain, curled up in a ball and buried
deep beneath the bed covers. It was still twilight or what passed for
twilight in the ever gray and neon city. She was still young in her new
un-life and even the smallest amount of daylight was painful perhaps
eventually fatal as well. She lay still, breathed deep and listened to the

She knew the precise moment that the last light of day was gone and
that true night had arrived, she never wondered how she knew, she
just did. She stretched, slowly uncurling, so that first her arms and
then her head appeared above the covers. She twisted onto her back
and stretched like a cat, feeling the joints in her spine softly crack and
the pleasant tension of smooth muscle. Then she lay still and listened
to the rain again. With the day gone her senses were much improved.
Now she could hear the traffic as well, the steady swish of the tires on
wet tarmac. She could hear the boats on the river outside and
underneath it all she could even hear the river itself. She looked up
into the darkness and through the sky light in the ceiling. It was old
and the glass was opaque with the accumulated grime and pollution of
the city. She could just make out the rolling underside of the
permanent cloud cover lit by the neon and sodium lights of the city.

Deep inside she felt the need. Only her brothers and sisters could ever
share or understand this feeling. It was neither hunger or lust but
somehow it was both. She had to feed tonight, it had been too long
since the last time.

She threw back the covers and got up out of the bed, In the corner of
the room a tall mirror stood. It was turned against the wall with it's
wooden back facing the room. How she wished she could see her
reflection just once. She knew she was beautiful now, desirable, more
fuckable then she had ever been in life. When she was alive she had
still been attractive but plump, she never could catch the eyes of the
really cute ones. Now she knew that she was as skinny and as lithe as a
cat. Yes, she definitely had a feline quality now. The way she moved,
the way she looked, even the way she hunted. How she wished she
could see her reflection just once more.

She began to pick up and put on the garments laid carefully on the
chair beside the bed. The halter top, black lace on pale skin, stocking
and suspenders (she could never see herself in something as ordinary
as tights ever again), a tight leather skirt and calf high boots. She
hated doing up and undoing the laces but they looked so good. The
finishing touch was the black velvet choker. It made her throat seem
so white and vulnerable in comparison. A sun tan was a thing of the
past now.

Walking to the bathroom she detected the first scent of decay. She
wrinkled her nose in disgust but opened the door anyway, even
vampires had to pee. The bath was huge, big enough for two people.
He lay half submerged in the water, his dead eyes had gone milky with
decay and his stomach had bloated with gas so that it was distended
and bulged up out of the water. The smell wasn't very strong. She
pulled the shower curtain so she wouldn't have to look at him as she
sat on the loo.

Her toilet finished she took the long black rubber cape and wrapped
herself in it. She locked and dead bolted the door with his keys when
she left and then walked to the river side door. A ramshackle boat
landing had been fixed to the outside, made of different shaped planks
of wood. The newer ones stood out in contrast to the old, replaced
individually as the old ones rotted in the continuous acid rain. This
was the second floor of an ancient dockside warehouse, the bottom
story had been submerged for years. There were others living on the
upper floor, she had heard them moving around but she had not seen
any of them. His boat was moored at one end, a little rowing boat. She
pulled off the tarpaulin, untied it and climbed aboard. She rowed
steadily for the other side of the river. There were lights there, people,
noise, cars, life. Halfway across she paused and let his keys drop
gently into the depths of the Thames before continuing to row to the
other side. When she pulled up at some steep steps running down to
the water edge she climbed out and then pushed the boat back out into
the river, the current slowly dragged it away.

She looked up the steps, wet and shiny in the rain and neon, and felt
excitement building in the pit of her stomach. She had a good feeling
tonight. Tonight would be special.


He was skinny and gaunt, his face was all hard lines, his eyes glinted
in the harsh artificial lights like blue diamond chips as he stood
staring at the mirrored lift doors. He regarded himself critically. He
needed to eat more, too much speed, too much trance dancing, not
enough food. He felt strong though, he might not have much meat on
his bones but what was there was tight, hard and strong. He was
toughened by hundreds of hours of non-stop, high-adrenaline, speed
boosted trance dancing. He needed to dance, no, he needed something
else. He didn't know what he needed but tonight he needed something

He was angry. He could feel his anger burning hot like a coal deep
inside. Fuck his father and fuck his friends, all he needed was a hard,
hot, bass rhythm, his drugs and tonight he needed something else too.
The lift doors opened and he entered the plush interior, vertical
florescent lights framed more mirrors. He punched for the ground
floor and felt the brief weightlessness as the lift began to fall. His ears
popped. Why the fuck did they have to live so fucking high up the
pyramid. He knew the reason really, his father was rich, his father had
status, his father was a big man in the city. Any apartment below the
permanent cloud line would have been demeaning to his fathers status.
He was a big disappointment to his father. His father had worked hard
for what he had got, had come from nothing to be where he was today,
unlike his son who seemed to be content to get strung out on speed and
hallucinogenic and dance until he dropped. There was always a low
grade conflict going on but tonight it had blown in to full scale nuclear
war. The regular security sweep had found his gun.

"Why do you need a gun?" his father had asked, his fathers face was
white with anger.

"It's a jungle out there, I need it for protection."

"The city! Are you crazy, you don't even have to go out into the city.
Everything you could need is in this complex and the security is so
tight that not even a vampire could get in without them knowing."

"Everyone in here is rich, boring and dead. I have to get out, I need the
life out there."

"But why THAT kind of gun? Don't you know the kind of trouble you
could get into just carrying it around in this complex?"

"I was in a club. This guy I know said he had something special, I
don't know, I didn't even want the gun until he showed it to me."

"Your pathetic Charles, You, your drugs and your so-called friends?
Why do you do it, Charles, why do you do this to me, haven't I given
you everything you ever wanted?"

He stared at his father in rage and disbelief and felt utterly frustrated.
He couldn't say anything. What could he say? His father could give
him everything money could buy and did. So why did he feel so angry?
Why did he hate him so much? He said nothing.

His father dismissed him like some lowly corporate employee. "Get out
of my sight, boy. You make me sick."

The lift decelerated slowly, a minute later there was a soft chime and
the doors opened. Ground floor, the west side plaza. Charlie stepped
out into a marble floor that was bigger then several football pitches.
Crowds moved everywhere. The ground floor of the pyramid was at
least five kilometers on each side and was several stories high inside.
So big that it had been built around several historic buildings. People
stared at him with hostility. He dressed cheap in a crowd of wealth. He
could smell the money and it made him feel sick. Charlie headed for
the pedestrian walkway and the west security gate.

He had to find Split, he had to get wired.


He looked out of place in the small but densely packed music shop.
DCM chips packed every shelf to utter saturation. At the back was a
rack of antique Compact Discs, their plastic cases grimy and cracked
with age and misuse. Rastaferian colours daubed the walls and the
heavy dub base vibrated in the floor. The bouncer at the door, a tall
Rasta with muscle grafts and dreads so long that they reached the back
of his knees, even tied back, had winked at him and smiled when he
came in. He was known here.

Another huge black man lounged behind the counter, His head nodded
to the beat and his dreads snaked in time beneath his black, yellow and
green bobble hat. When he saw Charlie his face split into a huge grin
framed by gold incisors.

The black man leaned forward to shouted at Charlie in a deep
Jamaican accent.

"Charlie, mon. Watcha doin' here?"

"Cut the crap, Issac, Is Split in?"

The Rasta's grin grew wider and then spoke again, in a perfect and
completely natural Oxford accent.

"Sure Charlie, he's downstairs, come on through."

The Rasta lifted a hinged section of the counter and ushered Charlie
through to a door hidden in the shadows behind a stock shelf. Charlie
took the worn wooden steps down into the cellar. It always smelled
musty and slightly damp here, the river always found a way in,
somehow. As he descended the heavy Rasta dub faded out beneath a
funky guitar riff and heavy beat. When Charlie got to the room at the
bottom it hit him full force. It wasn't trance, it had more balls then
that, but it seemed to lift him up a little, made him want to move with
it. The room had a low ceiling, bare brick walls and was lit by candles.
Up against one wall was a long black sofa and against another was a
very big, very expensive and very powerful hi-fi. Split was in the
middle of the room, a joint in his hand, his eyes screwed shut and
dancing like a maniac.


Split jumped, stopped dancing and opened one eye. He grinned, moved
over to the hi-fi and lowered the volume until Charlie could hear the
Rasta dub from upstairs again. He had some black in him somewhere,
enough to grow dreads but his skin was so light brown that he even
had freckles.

"Hello Charlie, how have you been?"

"Great Split, well, you know, okay."

Split passed him the joint, Charlie took a long pull and drew the
smoke deep into his lungs. He passed it back to Split and then raised
his eyebrows in surprise as he felt the drug hit.

"This is good stuff, Split, premium!"

"Yeah, it's 'Temple Born' just got some in today, all the way from
Nepal, you want some?"

"How much?"

"Well, you know it's more expensive then the usual stuff, 65 ECU or

 "Nah, I'll just have the usual."

Split rummaged among the DCM Chips that lay in chaos near the hi-fi
and magically produced a small bag of white powder. He handed it to
Charlie as he handed him the money.

"You look like shit, Charlie. You should eat more, do less speed."

"I'm doing okay. Ciao Split."

"You going already? Stick around, I'll order some Chinese, we can get
wasted on my blow and then go cruising for chicks together."

"Nobody says 'Chicks' any more, Split."


"Not tonight , Split. I feel restless, I need some action."

"You going to a Rave?"

"I don't know, I've got this feeling, I'm looking for something, I don't
know what but I'll know it when I see it."

"Your weird, man."

"I know, see ya."

At the foot of the stairs, Charlie stopped and looked back. Split was
already reaching for the volume control.

"What was that music you were playing when I came down?"

Split turned and smiled.

"Old stuff, man. Before our time, Lenny Kravitz, good stuff huh!"

"Yeah, it's okay."

Charlie waved and ascended the stairs. Back behind the counter, Issac
stood up and held up the hinged counter section for him.

"Respect, Mon." said Issac in his fake Jamaican accent.

"Respect." replied Charlie. They touched fists, a sign of friendship.

Charlie repeated the same ritual with Bunny, the Rasta on the door.
One day he would get the nerve to ask the guy why he was called
Bunny. Not today. The rain was colder now and his head was bare, it
trickled down his neck beneath the leather raincoat. It made him more
aware of his anger burning deep inside. He ducked into a public toilet
and took some speed. As he left he felt it burning in his blood like
radioactive dust, sure that he glowed in the dark.

He found a tube station and went down, underground. He could go to a
Rave, maybe, take advantage of his speed high and dance the anger
away but it didn't feel like the right thing to do. He was looking for
something, he needed something but he didn't know what or where. He
felt like a ghost, or a robot, not quite human. Leicster Square, that's
where he would go. It was a good place to start.


When she saw him on the escalators at Leicster Square tube station
she thought he was a hunter. It was his long black, leather rain coat
and the gaunt, wariness about him but he didn't have a badge, or the
surgically implanted silver crosses on his neck. He had opened his coat
in the warm humidity of the station and she could see that underneath
he just wore a black T-shirt and jeans, not the compact body armor or
weaponry of a Vampire hunter. There was something about him
though, it made him seem to be a little like a hunter. Whatever it was
she liked it, she wanted it, he was the one. It would be special, she
knew it.


Charlie stood stock still. His speed enhanced senses reeled. He stood at
the entrance of the station with the rain pouring down on him as
stared at her retreating back. He had found what he was looking for.

He replayed the moment in his mind as he watched her walk away.
She had passed him at the entrance as he looked out at the crowds in
the square. He didn't notice her until she turned to look at him because
she was wrapped in a huge black rubber cape with a volumous hood.
She had turned, they're eyes had met, she smiled and then she turned
and walked on, that was all. She was gorgeous, beautiful. Her face was
pale, framed by the black hood. Her lips were the colour of dark red
wine and her teeth looked white and sharp between them. It was her
eyes that really hooked him though. They had looked so deep, so black
and then, somehow, she must have shifted in the light so that her
retina's reflected red through the pupils. It was an un-nerving sight, it
was an omen, a sign. Charlie knew what he wanted now, he wanted to
get laid, he wanted to fuck and he wanted to fuck with her.

He started to follow her across the square, never losing sight of her in
crowd. The square was alive with music, noise and people. Here and
there small bonfires of rubbish burned sullenly in the rain, covered by
trees and makeshift shelters. The oily, toxic smoke mixed with the rain
and made the air stink. He gingerly skirted the huddled groups around
these fires. she entered a club, he followed, he didn't even look at the
name of the place he just followed her right in.

The bouncers had frisked him down at the door, a standard procedure,
no malice. They took his knife and told him he could pick it up on the
way out. They looked at him oddly but he didn't really notice. When he
got to the lobby he realised why. It was a Goth club. A place for
vampire wannabes. Several people were up in the lobby all wearing the
sub-culture uniform with varying degrees of style. Black lace and
leather seemed to be the order of the day, with a side order of anorexia,
pale skin, black hair and black finger nail polish for him and her.
Charlie paid the cashier, got frisked again by the last bouncer and
decided to keep his coat on. He was dressed in black but he still stuck
out like a sore thumb. His hair was crew cut, not long and black and
he wore a tight string of love beads  round his neck. Your average
vampire wouldn't be seen dead in love beads, if you'd pardon the pun.

So she was a Goth. He could live with that, black lace on white flesh,
what heterosexual man could turn down such an image. He descended
the stairs at the back of the lobby into the club proper. The heavy beat
of industrial Goth music vibrated through the floor. It was okay, he
liked it.

He looked around and saw her by the bar, she had left her cape
somewhere and Charlie was stunned. She wore black, of course, a lacy
halter top, a black leather skirt and boots. It made her flesh look so
pale in comparison, her lips looked even more red. She had a choker
round her neck, it made Charlie want to bite it. She was watching him,
Her face was expressionless, framed by a precision black bob hairstyle,
but there was something in her eyes that seemed to beckon him,
encouraged him. She shifted her head slightly and the pupils reflected
red again before she  looked away. Charlie started to walk towards her,
aware that heads were turning to watch him, aware that he didn't fit in
here. He also started to feel nervous, he didn't have a clue what to say
to her when he got to the bar. Then he was there beside her, so close
he could smell her perfume. She turned and looked at him again, her
pupils reflected red.

"You look like my dead ex-girlfriend." said Charlie. 'Stupid' he
screamed in his mind.

"Next you'll be asking if I'm really a Goth."

She was frowning but she didn't look away, she was waiting for him to
say something.

"The thing with your eyes, is that natural or did you have surgery?"

"Maybe I'm not a Goth, maybe I really am a vampire!"


It was all he could think to say, he dried up, he was spell bound by her,
he tried desperately to think of something to say. She spoke first.

"When I first saw you at the station I thought you were a hunter."

Charlie was astonished and elated, she had noticed him, that was
good, but nobody had ever said he looked like a vampire hunter before.


"Because of your coat, because you looked like you were searching,
hunting for something and because you look like your wired."

She could tell he was speeding! Charlie was amazed.

"Well, er... I am a little but I don't take as much as those guys do. I
like to dance, you know, trance, rave, that sort of thing. Your right
though, I was looking for something."



'Tacky!' thought Charlie, he couldn't believe he had said that.

"So you followed me here."


"I like you, what's your name?"

"Charlie, what's yours?"

It's going to be something crap and gothy like Diamanta or Elvira or
something, Charlie thought.


"Would you like to dance, Sarah?"

Charlie hoped she would say no, not because he didn't want to dance
with her but because he didn't know how to dance to Goth music.

"Okay, one dance..."

She paused, licked her red, red lips and smiled.

"...and then I want you to take me home and fuck me."

For that, Charlie would dance the Fandango. He felt a small shock as
she took his hand and led him to the dance floor. The speakers hung
from chains at the corners facing down and in on the small square of
hard wood floor. It was packed with heaving bodies in black lace and
leather. She led him into the centre of the jostling bodies and then
pulled him close to her in a tight embarrass. Her red lips fell on his
with hunger and her tongue forced it's way into his mouth before
Charlie really knew what was happening. Before his brain recovered
his body did. He pulled her closer still and kissed back with matching
passion. He could feel her body heat as she pressed against him and it
started to make him hard. She started to move against him and placed
one leg either side of his right leg. She broke the kiss and hung from
her arms around his neck. Charlie could feel her thigh rubbing with
deliberate pressure against his groin. She ground her hips with the
heavy rhythm, she danced against him. His body was on auto pilot and
it seemed to know what it was doing, he swung his hips in time with
hers and the beat, his own thigh pressed between hers, she sighed and
closed her eyes briefly. When she opened them again she stared deep
into his own, they reflect red again. A look so hot that Charlie felt
sweat start to prickle all the way up his back.

She unhooked her arms from around his neck and then reached inside
his coat, either side, and caressed his back beneath it. Quickly, she
untucked his T-shirt and then her hot hands were caressing his bare
back and sides.

"Nice body." she shouted in his ear above the noise.

Her hands dropped to his denim clad bottom, she grabbed him and
pulled his hips hard against her own. Charlie yelped in pain and tried
to back off, his erection was trapped, pointing down in his tight jeans,
it was getting painful. She backed away a little and looked down, then
up at his face again, smiling with intent. Using his coat to cover her
actions drew one hand round and unbuckled his belt. Charlie made no
move to stop her, she held his gaze with her own. He felt her undo the
top button of his jeans and the pressure eased a little. Never, taking her
eyes off his she reached down the front of his jeans and gently grasped
his erection. She squeezed it playfully and then carefully drew it up so
that it was comfortably pointing up instead of down, She didn't let go
but continued to gently squeeze and fondle it in time with the music.
Charlie couldn't take her staring gaze any more, he felt sure he was
going to come any second. He bent his head to hers and kissed her. It
started soft and grew strong, Her body began to press against his with
more urgency as the kissed deepened. Charlie was sure he could feel
her hard nipples  as they pressed into his chest through her halter top
and his thin, black T-shirt. He could smell the sweat of their bodies as
they ground against each other, her grip on his penis was getting
almost painful.

The current track finished in a grinding cacophony and there was a
second of silence filled with speaker hum before the next track began.
It broke the spell. She broke away from him, Charlie quickly wrapped
his coat around himself so that no-one would see his condition or state
of undress.

She turned and started to walk away, squeezing through the crush of
writhing bodies, Charlie followed her like a fish being reeled in on a


From: Anonymous
Subject: Gothic : Part 2 of 2
Date: 13 Sep 1995 12:29:07 GMT

"You live here? Are you rich or something?"

Charlie squirmed a little, he hated this part, lost so many potential
friends when they found out he lived in one of the Pyramids.

"Not me, my father, he's very rich, very powerful, I just live with him."

"So you came into the city slumming tonight."

It wasn't a question, she smiled to show that she was teasing him a
little, maybe.

"I just live here, I don't like it."


It was a simple question but Charlie felt a familiar thickness in his
throat that came with answering this question.

"He, my father, he lets me live here, he lets me have as much money
as I could ever need, it's free living. I hate it because I can't leave, I
can't do anything without my father and his money. I'm just not good
at anything except dancing and being a waste of space."


Just like that. No comments, no scorn. Charlie opened his mouth to
speak again but they were entering the eastern security gate. He didn't
have time to discuss the meaning of his life with her now. He needed
to concentrate if he wanted to get her through security without hassle.
His father made it very clear, none of his friends were allowed into the
complex. It felt good to be defying the old bastard.


Paying off the guard had cost more then he'd reckoned on. He'd have
to take it easy or he wouldn't last the month on what was left of his
monthly allowance. He put his credit card back in his pocket and
looked up at her. She stood in a corner of the elevator, wrapped deep
in the folds of her cape, he could barely see her face except for those
red pinpoints reflecting from her pupils.

"You can come out now, the bad men have gone."

He smiled as he said this and moved towards her. She didn't move, just
watched him from the depths of the cape. He watched in the mirrors,
his countless images multiplied and stretched into infinity as he moved
towards her. She pulled him into the folds of her cape and they kissed
again. Still strong, still passionate but she was holding back a little
now. He broke away.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing. This place just makes me a little nervous, I don't belong

"Me neither, not really. Don't worry, we're here now."

He reached up to push the hood of her cape down, an infinite number
of reflections did the same.


He reacted as if she'd slapped him. Backed off away from her,

"I'm sorry, it's just..."

She faltered, seemed to search for the right words. Charlie felt a
sinking feeling. Everything had been going so well and now it was
going wrong somehow.

The lift slowed to a stop, there was a musical chime and the doors
slide open. She brushed past him and out of the lift even before the
doors were fully open and stood waiting for him in the corridor, she
looked nervous.

He stepped out onto the plush carpet and the doors slide quietly shut
behind him.

"I get a little claustrophobic in small places. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to
snap at you."

She was still facing away from him, he walked up to her and round in
front of her. Held her shoulders and looked into her eyes in the shadow
of the hood.

"It's okay, I understand. Sorry"

He kissed her and then turned, walking away.

"This way, it's the door at the end".

She didn't follow immediately. First she looked over her shoulder at
the mirrored lift doors. The reflection of an empty hood stared back at


"Do you want something to drink, coffee?"

Charlie hung his coat up and watched as drips of water puddled on the
carpet without being soaked in. She didn't answer. He looked round.
She was standing by the sloping window that made up the entire wall
at the end of the room, just staring out. The hood of her cape was
finally thrown back.

"Can you turn out the lights?"

Her voice was quiet, hushed with some emotion.

"Lights. Off."

The voice activated house system responded immediately and all the
room lights went out. Charlie walked over to her side, barking his shin
on the coffee table on the way in the dark."

"It's so beautiful."

Her gaze never broke away from what she was looking at through the

"How can you see anything?" asked Charlie. "Window. Depolarize."

The window immediately cleared. Stretching to the horizon in front of
them was a sea of clouds. Their rolling white peaks and troughs shone
with blue-silver light. The moon hung above the horizon, it was full
and magnified by the atmosphere. It was a dream landscape, it was a
breath taking sight even for Charlie.

"I never knew it could be so beautiful. I've never seen stars before."

She sounded like a small child given a precious toy.

"You should see it when there's no moon. You can see all the stars
then. You can only see the very bright ones and planets when the
moon is out. "

He paused and looked at her. Standing in the moonlight she was even
more beautiful, her skin was so pale, like milk. Her pupils reflected the
silver moonlight now instead of red. Charlie became as entranced by
her as she was by the view.  Finally he tore his gaze away.

"I guess you've never been above the cloud line before?"

It broke her reverie, she turned her silver stare on him.

"No, never. Not in all my life."

"Would you like a drink?" Charlie repeated the question.

Her smile of mischief returned.

"No, I want you."

Then she was on him. It seemed to Charlie that she didn't so much as
step across the gap between them as glide. Her red lips devoured his
hungrily, her tongue snaked between his teeth. Her sudden lust was
infectious, Charlie felt himself respond, pulse quickening, desire

She broke the kiss.

"Take me to bed. Now."

Somehow, kissing, embracing and giggling he led her to his room.
The door banged open under their weight, the lights came on
automatically and they stumbled in until they bumped against a chest
of draws. The impact knocked something heavy off. There was a solid
thump as it hit the carpet and then the quiet high pitch whine of a
capacitor charging rapidly. She looked down and froze in his arms.
Where as a moment before she had been soft and yielding now she was
as hard as stone. Her face was a mask of terror. She was staring at the
gun on the floor.

Charlie broke away from her, feeling embarrassed, like a teenage boy
who's mother has found his porno magazine under the bed. He bent
down and picked up the heavy weapon. The red ready light glowed
softly, the fall had switched it on somehow. He checked the safety, it
was okay. He turned it off, the ready light faded out slowly.

"I guess you don't like guns, huh?"

She seemed relax a little but still cowered up against the wall as far
away from the gun as possible.

"How can you call something like that a mere 'gun'?"

"That's what it is, a Heckler and Kosh 20mm hand rail gun, it's a
vampire hunters gun."

Charlie opened a draw and dropped the gun inside and closed it again.
She relaxed a little, seemed to breath more easily.

"It can shoot through walls you know, it could probably take out a
tank. I've seen what a gun like that can do."

She sounded scared, tearful.

Charlie moved up to her, took her in his arms, she moved into the
embrace as well.

"Sorry, I didn't know." He said.

"Why have you got it?"

"I don't know. Mainly to piss off my father. Security found it in my
room today. If it had been in anybody else's place they would be out on
the streets already but my father damn near owns this place. I have to
get rid of it."

She closed her eyes and kissed him softly, gently. He held her in his
arms and felt her melt against him. At first the kisses where gentle but
soon grew heavier, hotter, more demanding. Gently, he maneuvered
her round so that he could walk her toward the bed but as they shuffled
across the floor she tripped on one of the many items of clothing
littering the floor. It seemed to Charlie that she let herself fall on
purpose. She fell back on the bed, her cape falling away from her, she

She looked to the end of the bed. Charlie's room was next to the
lounge, the end of his somewhat smaller room was also one of the
pyramids exterior windows.

"I want to see the moon again, Charlie."

"Lights, Off. Window, depolarize."

He looked down at her as she lay on the bed, once again bathed in the
moonlight that came through the window wall. Somehow everything
seemed so right, so perfect. She was perfect.

"Take my boots off for me, Charlie."  She waggled one booted foot at

Charlie knelt on the floor beside the bed and took her left booted foot
in his hand. The leather was still damp. He undid the bow just below
her knee and began to pull the laces out. She propped herself up on her
elbows and watched him, her eyes reflecting the silver moonlight.
When he pulled off the boot he massaged her foot through the nylon.
She sighed, closed her eyes and let her head fall back. Charlie put
down her foot and picked the other booted one and repeated the
procedure. Again, when he had taken it off he massaged her foot, the
warm flesh was soft beneath the nylon. She sighed again, obviously
enjoying this treatment. Slowly, Charlie moved his hands up to caress
her ankle, her calf. Tentatively he placed a warm kiss on her knee. He
looked up, seeking approval to continue.

"Don't stop."

Her voice was low and husky.

Charlie moved his massaging hands up to her thigh. As he caressed
the firm flesh she opened her knees apart slowly making her skirt ride
up further until the tops of her stockings were exposed. Cautiously,
Charle's fingers roamed up past the top of the stocking and onto the
bare flesh of her thigh. She gasped a little at the first contact of flesh
on flesh. Charlie followed his hands with soft kisses through the fabric
of her stocking. His right hand crept into the shadows of her skirt,
along the hot flesh of her inner thigh, slowly teasing. He laid his hot
cheek on the stocking top and breathed in her smell. He smelled the
musky excitement of a woman. His exploring fingers reached the top
of her thigh and much to his surprise found soft hair, no underwear.
He traced the crease between her thigh, down beside the outer lip of
her sex. Slowly he moved in towards the centre. He felt the slickness
of her excitement as his fingers found the inner lips. His fingers
slipped easily between them, hot and wet. Gently he felt around the
entrance to her vagina and then gently slipped his fingers up to the top
of her sex. He found what he was looking for, a small pulsing nugget
of flesh, he let his fingers slip over it gently. She gasped out loud and

He felt her fingers in his hair and opened his eyes. She lay back on the
bed now. grasping his hair in one hand she lifted her hips and pulled
up her leather skirt with the other. Gently she tugged him by the hair,
her intention was clear. Charlie began to kiss his way along the path
his fingers had taken. He withdrew his hands so he could pull himself
up further, half on half off the bed. Up close she smelt fantastic.
Briefly he studied her sex in the moonlight. Soft hairs surrounded it.
The inner lips pouted between the fatter outer ones, they glistened with
her juices. Charlie eagerly lowered his head and kissed them gently,
tasting her moisture on his lips for the first time. He pressed his
erection against the edge of the bed. It felt hot and constrained in his
jeans. He slipped his tongue between the lips and probed gently at the
entrance to her vagina. She moaned and began to move her hips
slightly. Charlie kept it up for a while and then let his tongue travel up
as his finger had done. Lightly he began to lap at her. Her hand
tangled in his hair tightened a little and he felt her move as she arched
her back. She moved rhythmically against his tongue, little whimpers
escaping her lips in sighs. Charlie kept up the pace, keeping a steady
rhythm. Not to hard and not to gentle. She responded well. Her
movements became more urgent as her excitement grew. Her hand in
his short hair pulled tighter until it was almost painful and she began
to pant. Charlie ground himself against the bed in empathy. It didn't
seem to take too long and then she was coming. Her thighs came up
and squeezed Charlie as she ground his face against her, pulling
savagely on his hair. He didn't care, he buried his mouth in her until
even his nose was shiny and slippery with her excretions. He felt the
entrance to her vagina contract with the tip of his tongue and then a
small gush of fluid, the first contraction of her orgasm. She held him
there as she tensed and her orgasm pulsed through her. Then slowly as
the waves of pleasure faded away she relaxed her grip on him. Her
thighs fell away, she let go of his hair and she lay back, eyes closed,
breathing heavily.

Charlie sat back on his heels. He felt her wetness on his face, on his
tongue, felt it drip from his chin. He pulled up his T-shirt and wiped
his face before pulling it over his head. He felt his erection, throbbing
urgently. His jeans were too tight, very uncomfortable, he had to get
them off. He stood up unsteadily and hurriedly began to take them off.

He stood naked above her as she lay on the bed. The air felt good
against his skin, cooling on the sweat of his body. He gazed down at
her. She opened her eyes and looked at him approvingly and then she
too was tearing off her cloths. He knelt beside her on the bed and
kissed her as she pealed of her stockings and skirt. They broke briefly
as she pulled the halter top over her head and flung it across the room.
Then they kissed again, his hand coming up to cup a breast and roll
the hard nipple between his finger and thumb.

He tried to push her down again but she resisted and with surprising
strength pushed him down instead. He gave up fighting against her
and lay down. She straddled him and reached down to grasp his penis
with her hand. She seemed to glow in the pale moonlight as she
towered above, her breasts rose and fell with her breath, tantalizing,
begging to be touched. Charlie reached up and cupped one in each
hand, feeling their soft weight, the nipples were hard against his palm.
This made her breath in raggedly. She closed her eyes and ground
down against him. The feeling as she rubbed her hot, wet sex against
his erection was incredible. Holding it in one hand she teased herself
by running the head between the inner lips, pressing hard when it
reached the top. Charlie felt like he was going to explode. He wanted
to be inside her so badly.


He could hardly force the word from his lips, his body felt like a drawn
wire. She stopped, her head was back, her eyes closed, her mouth hung
a little open in desire. She licked her red lips and then gently biting
her bottom lip with her perfect white teeth she raised herself up
slightly. She held him firmly and forced his penis back until the head
nestled against the opening of her vagina. She opened her eyes, the
pupils reflected the moonlight as she locked her gaze with Charlie's
own. The moment stretched out, tense and powerful and then she
slammed down, impaling herself until her bottom slapped against his
thighs and their pubic hair ground into each others. The feeling of so
suddenly being engulfed drove the breath out of Charlie in a long
groan. She was so hot, like fire. They stayed like this for a few
seconds, enjoying the moment of full contact at last, then slowly she
leaned forward and then came down on top of him until. Her lips
found his and slowly, oh so slowly she started to rock gently against

They built the rhythm together. She rocked her hips and Charlie found
that by moving his own he could thrust deeply into her with little
effort. His hands roamed across her smooth back, along her side, he
could cup her breasts, her buttocks, her thighs. She broke the kiss and
she held him tightly, her breath was harsh and loud in his ear. He tried
to slow it down, make it last longer, already he could feel his orgasm

"Don't stop. Come. Please. I want you to come inside me, now."

The words affected him more then physical sensation. Her lips burned
as she kissed his cheek, his jaw, his neck. He let his body take over,
his mind caught in a wash of animal lust. His movements became
urgent, he held her tight now, felt every thrust into her fan the flames
a little higher.

When he reached the top he cried aloud, the pleasure was so intense it
was almost pain. With each contraction of pleasure he felt fluid pulse
through his penis and spurt deep into her liquid depths. He felt her
teeth sink into his neck and it felt good. he writhed in absolute
pleasure and pain. Held her by the hips so that he was buried to the
hilt inside her. He felt the pleasure from his groin roll up and join the
growing pleasure where her red, red mouth suckled at his throat.

It lasted forever, it lasted a moment. His orgasm was fading and so
was he, he couldn't stop shaking, could hardly move, the strength was
fading from his limbs as she took the blood from his body. It felt nice,
pleasant. Some distant, primitive part of his brain was screaming for
him to move, to throw her off but it felt so good, so nice. He felt like
he was falling away inside like the feeling he sometimes got as he fell
asleep. His last thought before he slipped into unconsciousness was of
grim satisfaction. He had no doubt that this would seriously
inconvenience his father.


After he was dead she held him for a little while and wept. She didn't
quite know why, if she cried for him or for herself. It had been a good
feed and the hunger lust inside was sated. She wouldn't need to feed
again for a few days.

Blood she needed, craved, lusted for. The blood from a victim in fear
was good, the adrenaline added a wonderful kick but the blood of a
victim in lust was the best. It went beyond the power of words to
describe. Better then any drug she had taken when she was still alive.

Eventually she stopped crying. Gently, she kissed him on the lips
leaving a smear of his own blood there before climbing off his corpse.

She stared at the moon. it had sunk halfway into the clouds it seemed.
Dawn was coming, she had to leave and find somewhere safe to pass
the day. Quickly she gathered her cloths and dressed.

Only when she pulled on her cape and fastened it at the neck did she
remember the mirrors in the elevator. She hated the thought of staring
at the refection of her empty cloths. Up this high the stairs would take
far too long. Then she remembered the gun.

She could fly. She had flown before, in the hours before dawn, and
thrilled to the speed and the wind beneath her wings. To fly out into
the night above the clouds would be wonderful. To soar among the
ethereal hills and valleys, to feel air without rain, dirt and pollution.

She took the gun from the draw where he had placed it and pressed the
power stud. The soft high pitch whine of the capacitor charging
seemed loud to her ears, then the ready light winked on, blood red.
She clicked off the safety and held the gun in both hands at arms
length and pointed it towards the window. Of course the glass was
bullet proof, tougher then steel in some respects but this was no
ordinary gun. This was a Heckler and Kosh 20mm rail gun. A vampire
hunters gun. Instant death to mortals and medium sized tanks, a
severe inconvenience to the undead. She pulled the trigger.

The first shell shattered the inner two panes which where only
standard safety glass. The outer pane cracked like a car windscreen hit
by a gravel chip. The second shell shattered it into a million tiny
pieces that cascaded out into the night to fall a long way, sliding down
the steep side of the pyramid. The sudden drop in air pressure made
loose paper and cloths swirl around the room. Her cape sucked up and
wrapped itself around her. Then calm descended again.

She let her arms drop to her sides. The gun dropped from her hand.
Faintly she could hear a ringing alarm bell. Soon there would be
people coming to investigate. She broke into a run and leapt out into
the night air. Her cape fluttered behind her and made the only noise.
No shadow followed her on the clouds below.

In the East the dawn was still a few hours away.


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