Subject: G & S
Date: 15 Apr 93 02:15:00 GMT

  He walked out of the shadows and looked around.  He was tall for a human
so I looked him over.  His pointed ears gave him away as being an Elf,
one of the more accepted of the metahumans, even though it implies a
feeling of mistrust.  Something about his eyes told me that there was something
different about this elf.  His hair was typical for his race, light brown and
worn flowing down his shoulders.  The jacket he wore was obviously armored
and it looked like it hadseen a few stories of its own.
  The man looked over at me, catching my prying eyes and giving me a glare.
His eyes flashed a crackling energy and I knew that he was gifted with magic.
Looking closer at his face, my cybereyes let me detect a faint discoloration
of his skin, almost like a tan line.  But the tan was in such a fashion that
it made a mask around the eyes.  In fact, the mask reminds me of a racoon.
You don't have to be very street smart to realize, just by what I've seen that
this elf is a shamen to the totem Racoon.  That in itself told me to be wary
of him.  From what I've heard about racoon shamens, they like to steal things
and are some of the best at messing with your head.
  As he turned and walked away, my eyes fell on the sword at his hip.  The
handle was unlike any sword I've seen for sale at Ares, so I'm sure it's full
of magical capabilities.  Another note to stay away from him, as swords like
that don't come by cheap...

>>That's right everyone, there's a new kid in town, and he's a ShadowRun addict.
  You should start seeing me join in on the festivities shortly as I make my
  semi-frequent posts...  Hope to have fun creating stories with the lot of ya!

                        --The ShadowFox--
                   Until the circle is broken...

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