Subject: A little more fishing!
Date: 14 Oct 1993 21:57 CDT

Subject: Re: The fisherman shepherd
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1993 15:35:43 GMT
In-Reply-To:'s message of Mon, 11 Oct 1993 09:27:48 GMT

In <> writes:

> And the keyboard of HARTY, DANIEL JOSEPH spoke unto the masses, saying:
> :~ The old solo looked up from his bottle.
> :~ "Umm... That was cute.... But it definitely wasn't cyberpunk!""I'm sorry,
> :~ you'll have to be killed." The Desert Eagle slid from it's holster with
> :~ practiced grace and roared it's intolerance at the young juicer. His body
> :~ dropped and shuddered as the last of life escaped from where the .50 cal
> :~ slug had removed most of his head. The old solo slid out of his chair as
> :~ the Chatsubo crowd went back to their drinks with disinterest.
> :~ "Sorry about the mess Uno, hope this covers it." he grumbled as he tossed
> :~ a worn cred chip on the bar and shrugged his scarred black drover on to
> :~ shield against the rain......
> And from the bar he looked up from his drink. Pulled out from within his own
> thoughts by the sound of the gun. Justin glanced back at his glass. The ice
> had long since melted away, and the Kirin glinted back at him.
> As the owner of the bar nodded to his waitresses to clear away the corpse, he
> returned to his own thoughts.
> "Well I liked it..."

)A black garbed man with eyes like the void slid along to the counter and spoke
)in a voice that lowered the temperature in the room, "Here's some cash. I'll
)take the body off your hands."  He turned to those in the room, "You didn't see
)a thing." No-one quite managed to meet his gaze for long. Satisfied he walked
)to the body and went to pick it up. As extra insurance he called over his
)shoulder, "Drinks are on me." In the mad scramble for the bar he casually
)threw the dead weight over his shoulder and stepped towards the door.

)A figure with long black hair appeared from the masses to place itself between
)the man in black and the door. "I can't let you do that." Thunder said,
)suddenly forceful, "The first Bard I've seen in a while. Perhaps he should have
)scoped the audience better, for his own health if nothing else, but he deserves
)better than the end you have in mind."

)"What you gonna do to stop me, monkey-boy?", asked the face of carved steel
)from beneath the brim of his black fedora.

)Thunder smiled enigmatically, "You want ta wait and see?"

His face softened slightly into a cynical smile as he dumped the body non-too-
gently to the floor. "As you wish....." The two men were lost in a blur of
movement. When it ws over, a second corpse lay near the young Bard, it's
entrails spilled across the floor from the lethal bite of Thunders blade.
"Give me a hand.." He called to his barmates, who had sat passiveley throughout
the exchange, as he hefted the body of the deceased bard and dissapeared into
the rain to send the boy off. The old body snatcher left behind to suffer the
fate he had sent countless others to.
"Only two flatlines tonight.." Uno mussed, "quiet night.."
"Leave the floor Jinx." he called after the young barmaid as she made her way
 to the broom closet. "I'll get it later."
"Goddamn crazy solos'll do anything for a good story." He muttered as he wiped
another glass and set it under the bar.



Now that was Cyberpunk! And that was cool!
(Thanks Evan and Justin! Hope you don't mind my stealing Thunder for a sec)

Impeach Billary Chicken!
Ted Kennedy is a Muppet!
Melior sanguinam quam indignatatem!

These are my opinions! Buy your own!

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