From: (Wesley Alan Brown)
Subject: Cybernetic Feral Children
Date: Wed Apr 26 23:29:23 MET DST 1995

                           Cybernetic Feral Children:

                               A Work in Progress

                                     By Wes

	It was midnight, and the madness was about to begin.  The pyros
were out in full force two blocks outside the nightclub StarBase Dystopia
armed to the teeth with primitive moltov cocktails, baseball bats, and a few
modified Desert Eagles.  All thirty of them were clad in black overcoats,
shaven heads, Docs, and ancient UPC codes stamped on their foreheads.
Many of them sported other tattoos ranging from Giger art to Sorayama
Sexy Robots and Gynoids on the sides of their faces.

	The head punk spotted their primary targets on the second floor:
a Japanese girl and an American girl, both cyborgs and wearing red rubber
minis and matching stockings, frolicking and making out in the hot tub.

	Katusumi and Ria.  The bounty hunting bitches.  The whores who
should be satisfying *dicks* and not each other.  They've fucked up the
damn grade curve for the last fuckin' time.

	"Awright, pussies!!" he hollered to his henchmen.  "Five hundred
credits to the first maggot who brings me their heads on a plate!"

	The punks went on the rampage.  After busting the door down and
setting the bouncers on fire, they fired on everyone and everything in
their path.  Screams, cries of despair, and vicious laughing roared louder
than the ambient mix on the sound system.

	The lead punk and three of his cronies opened fire on the ceiling
with their sawed-off shotguns in the hope that the shattered bodies of Ria
and Katsumi would come crashing down.

	They didn't.  They came out of the elevator just after the last of
the hot tub water came down.  Ria, long brown hair sticking to her back, her
hand glowing in an eerie blood red.  Katsumi, her red hair seemingly more
intense than normal, her eyes the color of Mars, red warpaint streaked under
her eyes, finger on the trigger of a pulse cannon.

	Ria sent her red laser between the eyes of one of the punks,
causing his head to come open and setting his remaining pink matter on fire.
The other punks opened fire.  The two girls dove behind a sofa and took out
most of the punks with a localized neural disruptor, shutting off the punks'
minds from their bodies before the minds exploded.

	Three punks remained.  Katsumi fired her pulse cannon at the ceiling
and a huge chunk of concrete came down on them.  Hard.

	The lead punk remained.

	"You bitches are going to HELL!!!" he screamed, then he whipped out
his sword.  "You won't be nothing but scrap to be shitted on when I'm done
with you!"

	"You're going first, dickweed!" Katsumi shot back, leaping from behind
the sofa and delivering a kick to his face. He crashed into a table.  She
swiped the sword away from him and severed his hand.  Sprays of red.

	The punk drove his foot into Katsumi's chest, actually putting a dent
in her cyborg frame.  The force sent her into the DJ booth. Ria leapt up and
drove his head into the floor.

	"Kat?" Ria asked frantically.  "Are you all right?"

	"Yeah, Tyger," Kat responded, shaking her head.  "Juust hunky dory."

	"I'm downloading his conscious now."  Ria's hands were on the punk's
bloodied head as she began the transfer, eyes closed, moaning.

	Katsumi looked at her lover doing the task.  Maybe she should stop it.
The after-effects of doing a consciousness download are terrifying.  Tyger
could end up crazy.  Relent, girl, she knows what she's doing.

	"It's done, Kat," Ria said.  She took out a knife and cut the punk's
head clean off and placed it in a bag.  "We can go home."

	The two girls quickly kissed each other on the lips and sped off.

                          TO BE CONTINUED.....


I welcome all comments, flames, bribes, etc.  If there is enough feedback
there will be be more as I can handle....

Wesley Brown            |  |\____/|  |
Captain, GSS Argus Beta |  |  <>  |  |   The Danes call it QUALITY!
Salusia Galactic Fleet  |   \____/   |

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