From: (Clinton Wong)
Subject: experimental publication
Date: 9 Oct 92 06:06:32 GMT

Interested in writing for an experimental cyberpunk magazine?

    A Chicago based desk top publishing group is interested in starting
a publication focused on post industrial society, cyberpunkism, and dark
technology.  If all goes as planned, the magazine will be distributed in
many different cities.  Some will be overseas.
    At the moment, the magazine staff is looking for article writers.
If your article is published in the experimental issue, you will receive
a complimentary copy via U.S. mail.
    Articles can be about anything... Suggestions: cyberpunkism, futurism,
dynamic and alternative thinking, philosophy, creative arts, video/sound
generation, security, etc.  It doesn't matter if it is fictional, technical,
political, persuasive, narrative, emotional, or anything else.  The
publication is intended to be a free form paper with abstract style.
    The magazine will be printed on standard 8.5 x 11 paper with
decent page layout, graphics, and strong text.  The paper will be
distributed at key locations and will be scanned later for reader
    What benefit do you get from article submission?  At this stage,
the staff doesn't have any funds to give out... but if you submit articles
now, you have a chance in obtaining a permanent writing position in
a potentially prestigious magazine.  If the experiment concludes as
predicted, this magazine will be very rewarding to those who invest early.
Please send your articles as early as possible.  Final deadline is
November 15th, 1992.
   Don't e-mail and ask me about what kind of writing I'm looking for.
As mentioned above, this is a medium by which creative, alternative,
and dynamic thoughts thrive in.  Send what you feel is satasfactory to
your own standards.
   If you're serious about this advert, send us an article or two of your
own work.  In your submission, include the following information in
the beginning of your transmission:

 (1) Name - This is essential.
 (2) Pseduoname (optional) - This is included if you want to mention your user
                id (login) that might be famous.  If you don't have a pseudo
                or if you feel it is unimportant to mention it, don't
                include it.  Your name will be published for credit to
                the article.  If you include your pseudo, it will also
                be published along with your name.

 (3) Net-address - This is for communication purposes
 (4) Physical addr - This is so we can sent a complimentary copy if your
                     article is published.
 (5) Release information - for the protection of the writer and publisher
      (a) is this text published elsewhere?
      (b) does the staff have permission to edit and publish your article
          in the magazine?
      (c) are there potential legal problems?  Such as plagiarism?
 (6) Phone # (optional) - a means of communication (this is more personal
                          than e-mail.  You might receive a call.)

Thank you for taking the time to read this advert.

   Please send article submission to:

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