From: Bones McCoy <>
Subject: Death! Death! Death, I say! Part 2
Date: Thu Mar 02 03:41:35 MET 1995

.. the carriage came careening out of the darness, with a man in a
ripped white shirt desperatly trying to stay on top of the carriage,
while it sped on at a tremendous rate.

"Dammit, Parker.  Slow this damn thing down!  Were outside the castle
walls, for Pete's sake!"

A big burly man, with an uncannily black beard, who was dressed as
the coach master replied, "Yes, we may be outside the castle walls, but
that doesn't mean the horses of the castle can't leave."

The man that was still struggling to stay atop the carriage, grapped one
of the iron bars that lined the top of the carriage so that passengers
could stow there worldly goods up top.

"My god Parker!  Half a battalion is chasing us!"

The big man laughed, "Aye sir, your worth a lot these days, HA!"

As Parker slapped the reins, the horses sped on faster.

The younger man pulled himself into the seat next to Parker, panting
and wiping his brow he looks at the black bearded man.

"Why Parker, you look like you've just seen a ghost." , he smiles at that
and continues to wipe his forehead.

"Aye, Marcus, I do believe I see worse than that."

Marcus, now finished wiping his brow, turns his gaze toward where the
stunned Parker is looking.

There in the road, crossing the dirt path, to obviously go fetch water,
were 5 small children, all huddled, fearful of the huge wagon steaming
towards them.

"What shall we do Parker?!", the young man looked panic stricken and
looked back at the men and horses that they were running from.

"Well, we can't stop, and we sure as well arn't going to run over
poor litte babes coming up here."

The wagon was now, not more than 500 ft. in front of the children.

Marcus made a quick decision, "Parker, swerve the wagon off the road and
head for that small tributary over there."

Parker, not looking at where Marcus was pointing, just looking at the
small children, jerked the reins to the right, and the whole wagon
went smashing into the ditch.

The stoutly built carriage with held the battering, but the wheels were
giving way.

"Hurry Parker, Hurry.  We've got to get to that river before the wheels
give out!"

Parker snapped the reins a few times, and the already tired horses,
hurried to obey there masters command.

The battalion was gaining on them.  Marcus could here there guns cocking
and there horses panting for breath.

The river bank was getting closer but so were the men.

"O.K. Parker, when I say 'jump', you jump, alright?"

"Aye sir."

The rear left wheel gave way with a sickening crunch, they were sagging
a bit and they slowed tremendously.

Parker gave another crack of the reins.  The horses did not increase
there speed.

The battalion was gaining.

The river bank was not more than 50 ft. away.

"Parker, the horses are never going to make it, jump, and run for the
river, meet me on the Left side when you can!"

They both jumped from the nearly stopped carriage.  Just as the first
bullet whizzed passed Marcus's ear.

Parker dove head first into the rushing water, then followed Marcus,
just as the battalion surrounded the carriage.

They were swept away, before anyone realized what happened.

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