From: am799@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Colin Tomele)
Subject: Corp vs Hack
Date: 7 Oct 1993 18:22:04 GMT

Installment A:

	I sat at the terminal of my Fester D50, a medium level home
machine. Popping in MessageMinder v1.023+, I awaited the dull glow of the
WorkBench as I sipped my coffee. The terminal came to life instantly:

MessageMinder v1.023+    written by: Maxwell Likor Jr.
Scanning USE-M: 4 messages.
Scanning Deaths's Den: 2 messages.
Scanning Portal Pocket: 0 messages.
Scanning PE-M [junk]: 130 messages.
End Global Arc [private] Scan.
Type name to enter FileReader sub-system.

	"Well, well.", I muttered to no one important, "Busy night."
	USE-M was paid PictoFax, a high quality sampling proccess that the
United States Parcel Service established a few years back. USE-M is
electronic mail in the form of anything from a SEd ascii.doc to a sampled
4 million color picture postcard with animations. Basic rates are $1.00
per 5k of info. These where usually the most 'important.'


FileReader Sub Menu : USE-M
Total New Messages: 4/25

	I hit the '>' key, advancing to the newxt message, the first of my
four new ones. The screen blanked, signifying graphics lock, and my
speakers popped, which gave me a shock. A full soundtrack AND pics. Someone
paid big bucks here.
	A woman game on the screen, a pretty blonde with good skin, about
19, wearing a semi translucent shirt that clung to her like kitchen wrap.
She smiled, and winked. The music started, a slow beat taken from a good
sample. She slowly started to peel off the shirt, and the drum, following
her movements, began to get quicker, a tom added for variation and then a
bassline. As she lost more shirt, she slowly began to turn so that her back
was soon exposed. Now the soundtrack added a simulated saxiphone, damn good
sample, playing a lusty melody that matched the girl's movements. As she
finally slipped the shirt off, she began to turn again, but her front was
replaced by metal, all chrome and shine. Her face was half encased in
chrome, looking like the hand of Midas had slapped her leaving a metal
image on her cheek and forehead. Her eyes, which I now noticed where shut
began to open revealing glowing white orbs. The music became a storm of
drums suddenly as her eyes grew brighter and brighter until the screen was
a white star. Suddenly silence. A few letters of text bagan a reverse fade
in on the screen:

                   Delta-Tek...Masters of Skin and Limb

           You are asked to attend an Employment Seminar 5/23 at
                         Keypost Delta 5-13.45.66

	God...another Corp begging for talent. Anyone with a record of Data
theft if game for Seminars. They hire hackers on the basis that if they pay
them enough, the hackers will not only help the Corp but will keep from
hacking it. Big mistake. That's like inviting ants to a picnic. Ants arn't
the most social creatures.

"You excrement! You lousy hypocritical whining toadies with your lousy color
TV sets and you Tony Jacklin golf clubs..."
-John Cleese at a Board Meeting

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