>From: eam3@po.CWRU.Edu (Eric A. Meyer)
Subject: Prologue: The Arrival
Date: 17 May 91 03:58:45 GMT
Lines: 47

   Night, Chiba City.
   The streets never darkened, bathed in the glare of holoneons and stimads.
The sky was pitch black, the distant stars smogged away, and the only light
from the heavens were the lights of the floaters.
   Inside the Chatsubo, techrock drove several chipheads and flameouts into
frenzied dance, the lighting starkly outlining each writhing figure.  Off to
the sides, various private booths hid in shadows.  The bar was heavily
populated, as usual.
   The sight of another patron was nothing unusual; indeed, the opening of
the main doors drew no attention whatsoever.  A tall man let the doors close
behind him and picked his way through the crowd, his movements not so much
graceful as minimal.  His long, dark coat was not unusual, nor did the black
beret upon his head elict any comment.  In fact, there was virtually nothing
about him which was outstanding in any noticable way, unless you watched him
for a moment.  Then you started to get the impression that there was something
vaguely different about him.  There was a certain look.
   He ordered a Chernobyl from the bartender and retired to a dark corner,
sipping slowly as he surveyed the crowd.  At one table, he spotted a small
group.  At another, a rough man with a world-wise look about him.  Further
off, various others who had that same look about them, every one:  the
instinct for survival.
   The tall man smiled thinly, nodding to himself.  He downed the rest of
his drink and decided that he'd come to the right place after all.


   Author's Note:  So here it is, my foray into the Chatsubo.  The character
who just walked in will be further developed (along with, hopefully, my
writing style) over the next few time-spans (pick your own, but keep it
reasonably short).  For the time being, I'd appreciate it if he could be
left on reserve, save perhaps for a cameo in someone else's post.  Of
course, he's not much of a personality yet, but in time...
   Thank you, one and all, and feel free to mail comments to me.  I'd
appreciate them (I need to hone my writing skills--it's been a while).


"Unstable condition--a symptom of life       | Eric A. Meyer (eam3@po.CWRU.edu)
 In mental and environmental change          |  President, Beta Nu Chapter of
 Atmospheric disturbance--the feverish flux  |      Theta Chi Fraternity
 Of human interface and interchange-"  -N.P. |  "He's a rebel and a runner..."

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