From: cjudd@esk (Craig Thomas Judd)
Subject: Memo A.C.D. Japan Inc. 24th May 1994
Date: 26 Feb 92 02:58:15 GMT
Lines: 54

MEMO #240594-1175 Advanced Cyber Design Inc. (Japan)
FROM: Takashi Deyana
TO:   A.C.D. Board of Directors
CODE: Green

  In the past year, Advanced Cyber Design has amassed all the knowledge
from the fields of Cybernetics, Biological Systems and Nanoscience for the
express purpose of building the first true Neural Interface.
  While our other Cybernetics operations are proceeding well, the
production of Neuroware is without doubt one of our highest priorities,
and I am pleased to announce that, by the year 2000, our first commercially
produced Neural Interpreter and Interface combination should be on the market.
  During our research, we discovered three types of interface, but have
discarded two from cost-cutting measures.
  The first type of interface we attempted was a Tactile Interface, where
the user interfaces into a utility by touching an electrode on the item.
However, this would require the complex Cybersystems to be built into each
item, at great cost. It is much cheaper and easier simply to build in the
bulk of the machinery into each user, instead of pricing ourselves out of
the market.
  The second discarded type is the Literal Interface, where the actual
soul of the user is implanted into the machine. However, this was only a
theoretical process, and due to research limitations, this option was not
  Our chosen interface works on a number of levels. The base interface
allows operation of a machine, say a gun or computer terminal, with the
brain while the user is still conscious of their surroundings. The second,
and deeper level of interface actually links the brain completely into the
machine (usually a computer or vehicle), and bypasses the body altogether.
By using the Neuroprocessor to interpret the directory trees and data
structures inside a computer, a "virtual reality" can be fed to the user
in replacement of a real one. That is, the user only sees and feels what
is in the virtual world, and any actions attempted by the user are
transferred to actions performed by their virtual body. Thus, the real body
of the user is not conscious of its surroundings, but this allows much more
control over the virtual world of the computer.
  By mounting special sensors on vehicles, it should be possible for the
operator to virtually "become" the vehicle, thus allowing instantaneous
control over all operations.
  Due to the advent of Nanotechnology and biologically-acceptable material,
(primarily Titanium), all Cyberware should soon be more efficiently meshed
with existing biological systems. Nanotechnology especially allows the
operation on the brain and spinal column to proceed without inflicting
irreparable damage. The Neuroprocessor (best located at the base of the
brain) sends out Nanosurgeons and raw materials which form the complex
wiring that is imperative for any proposed Neuroware to proceed.
  The copyrighting of this system is not reccomended: the more people who
have the system the better, as we can release a range of products
specifically designed for such a Neural Interface.
  The future for A.C.D. looks bright. I urge you all to work hard to make
this dream a reality.
                      Takashi Deyana (A.C.D. Head, 24th May 1994)
                                                                                  A.  c

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