Phyllis/Liralen is on a different address these days. The FTP sites are gone apart from Hubert Bartels site. Article 272 of alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo: >From: (Phyllis Rostykus) Subject: Monthly Charter Ping Date: 5 Mar 91 22:58:02 GMT "Here." A Regular claps the Newbie on the back, only to jump back and give a wry grin at the blade or snout of a firearm that protrudes from the rather nervous Newbie's grasp. "Hey, chum, just tryin' ta help ya out... if you wanna know what this silicon driven heap 'o pixels is 'bout, Ratz has a tape he likes ta hand around. Here..." and carefully and slowly, the Regular hands over a cheap vidset with a tape already slotted and ready to go. The Newbie frowns at the set, not sure that this is the wisest place to indulge in a little entertainment. The Regular growls softly. "Look, chum, there's no frackin' reason to go off half cocked in here. No battles ya don' choose to take in here, so ya don' hafta be bringin' no battle 'flexes in here. If it makes ya feel any better, I'll be watchin' yur back while ya watch." And, before the Newbie can thank the Regular, the Regular turns away. The Newbie sighs and puts the hardware away, and a lot of attention in the Chat goes back to drinks, Lonny's beauties, and Blackjack's music. The tape starts with a hiss of white noise and static on both audio and video feeds, and then gradually resolves itself into a simple blue background. A neutral voice, neither male nor female begins to speak, "Welcome to the Chatsubo." it says. "The name of this group comes from the bar in Chiba as created by William Gibson in the book _Neuromancer_." The scene in the vidset shows a shadowy bar full of smoke and expatriots, it has the distinctly small dimensions of a Japanese bar; however, it is full of Anglos. "As was written, the Chat was a place where one could go for weeks without hearing a word of Japanese, and where a lot of cyberpunk Biz was initiated and, sometimes, even finished." "This bar and newsgroup was created as an outlet for imaginations that wished to work in the venue of cyberpunk. The purposes of this group include conversations using cyberpunk personas and characters, the creation of stories, showing examples of how various people believe cyberspace would actually be like, and the exploration of various virtual worlds that all the characters could interact in. The main intention was to use this group to express virtual reality with the full power of text with relation to the human imagination." The Newbie doesn't even bother to smother the enormous yawn that dawns at this dry rendering; but then a blue leather clad woman appears on the screen of the vid. The Newbie raises one eyebrow in interest. In the background, the Newbie can see that it is the Chatsubo. She moves with a grace and balance that clearly indicates that she is a fighter, well aware of her body and how it moves. "Look, chum," she says, straddling a stool, "think of all this as some sorta virtual playground, where there are other folks that are playing with you. Basically, you can do whatever you damned well please, but if ya step on too many toes, those feet are likely to either kick back or, very effectively, ignore you out of existance. Sorta schoolyard ethics, but backed up by the fact that ignoring bullies actually works." "There are a coupla of 'games' going on right now..." and the vid turns to see a Hunter-Killer splintering the front door of the Chat, a Kid working at a hole-in-the-wall store, a man and a woman in a panzer in the snowy woods, a man and a cat eared and cat eyed woman working their way through the woods, a woman guarding a man who is quickly dissecting a corpse, a couple of guys on what looks like a desert plain with a helicopter bearing down on them, and something that looks like a bundle of sticks flattening itself under a rusting piece of high tech junk. "Most are straight cyberpunk, a couple are Shadowrun based. The stories that are Shadowrun based have the bar set in Seattle, others have it based in the Eastern Sprawl, others haven't said where it is at all. The Chat can be wherever and however you want it. Some of the stories are multiple-people, some have only one writer, if you wanna join up with folks, ASK them, and they will most likely let you play. If there isn't room, than start your own. Or just set yourself down at the bar and meet people... that can be fun as well." "All the story lines can be confusing, but, if you're lost, a good thing to do might be to simply write one of the authors of any particular setup and ask them what is going on. Most of them have archives of what they've written. Hubert Bartels ( has some of the articles on a weekend/evening access ftp. There is another anonymous FTP site whose name is [], with a default server that is []. There are other people who have archives of this group who are willing to make them available, I think." "One other thing... if you like something that someone else has created, it's probably a good idea to email them a note telling them how much you liked it. It makes it a hell of a lot easier to keep creatin' when there's positive feedback." Her smile is wry. "Well... hope you enjoy your stay here, and find this a fun place to create." And the picture rezzes out in a burst of blue static...