Pictures from Woking

I live in Woking, Surrey, UK which is not the most photogenic spot in the world although there are worse. One day a good photo will happen here. Meanwhile, this is the most exciting I can manage.

The Exotic Basingstoke Canal at Sunset

All Contax TVS III, Fuji Provia F 100 slide film.

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The towpath, with an office building to the left. It must be a pleasant place to work, since nobody has bothered to rent it.

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Gratuitous lighting shot.

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That office again...

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...and the reeds, in case you missed them.

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The view down from the other side of the bridge, onto some ancient piece of canal related machinery. The Woking Borough Council tourist department obviously think this is "a feature". 

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Horsell Common played host to HG Wells' Martians in the last years of the 19th Century. More on the Martians in Woking later.